5 Characters To Stop Eating Gluten

Gluten intolerance is an increasingly common phenomenon. Here are some symptoms that may indicate that your body is not responding well to gluten-based foods.
5 signs to stop eating gluten

Public awareness of this issue is growing and more and more people are wondering if they should eliminate gluten from their diet.

Some have already opted for it, even though gluten was not causing them any problems.

In this article, we want to present the main signs that our body is struggling to metabolize gluten.

First of all, you should know that gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are two separate things.

  • With celiac disease, there are many dangerous reactions in the body that alert you to the fact that something is wrong. Sometimes it can even be life-threatening.
  • On the other hand, when you are simply gluten intolerant, the side effects are disruptive but not life-threatening.

Most processed foods contain large amounts of gluten. Therefore, doctors recommend that you read labels carefully, especially for those suffering from celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

When should you eliminate gluten from your diet

1. Digestive discomfort and gluten

One of the most important symptoms. It can show up as flatulence, constipation or diarrhea … and not always in the same way.

A woman holding her belly

You may feel puffed up one time, constipation another time. It can also be accompanied by problems with the colon.

2. Goosebumps on your back and arms

In some situations (moving to music, having an intimate moment with your partner) this is a perfectly normal reaction, but coming on for no reason may be a symptom of gluten intolerance.

If this happens regularly, you should consider eliminating gluten from your diet.

3. Fatigue

It is normal to feel tired after eating, but it must not be excessive.

Yawning woman

If it accompanies you, check whether there was gluten in your food.

4. Dizziness and headaches caused by gluten

Neurological problems are quite common in celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. This is because the blood that reaches the brain does not have the properties it should have, and it causes some abnormalities.

If you notice that these symptoms worsen, you may need to exclude gluten from your diet.

5. Hormonal complications

The most common hormonal abnormalities resulting from gluten intolerance include:

  • Intense premenstrual symptoms
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Infertility

If these problems are the result of consuming gluten, gynecologists will be able to offer you several solutions. Remember to visit them at least once a year. Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease are easily detectable from a medical point of view.

Therefore, if you notice any of the above symptoms, you should closely monitor your body and see a specialist so that he can make a diagnosis.

Fortunately, there are many products on the market today that are intended for people who struggle with this problem. In addition, the largest companies are trying to increase the supply of gluten-free products. So everything is going in the right direction.

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