6 Healthy Things You Can Do On An Empty Stomach

Take a moment each morning. By pampering your body and spirit a bit, you will make you approach all the tasks of the coming day with optimism and energy.
Habits in the morning - start the day healthy!

Healthy morning habits, especially those celebrated on an empty stomach, can make a really big difference to the rest of our day. Unfortunately, we usually wake up late, dress, wash, eat breakfast on the run and go to work, school or simply get into the vortex of everyday duties.

Remember, however, that the morning is a very important time of the day for us. Its entire further course depends on how we start the day, what habits we have in the morning . When we have healthy habits in the morning, we will undoubtedly move into the next hours with energy and a positive attitude.

On the other hand, if we do not have time for basic self-care right after waking up, it will most likely be difficult for us to make it into the evening in good shape and in a great mood. In short, the quality of our daily existence can leave something to be desired.

If you are worried about the eternal lack of time for healthy habits and physical activity, you should definitely reorganize your life. Did you know that the best time to look after your health is in the morning – and even before breakfast? Learn 6 habits that will help you regain health, good mood and a positive attitude towards the world!

Healthy habits in the morning – where to start?

Let’s start by realizing the importance of healthy morning habits in our lives. The list of benefits in this case is long, so let’s focus on the most important ones.

  • Right after waking up, our body is very susceptible to all kinds of healthy “treatments”. It has been asleep and quiet for several hours, so it is now ready to be energized and face the day ahead.
  • Instead of taking another nap, jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. Smile at your reflection in the mirror – you will feel better immediately and you will be filled with the will to live!
  • Turn on your favorite music – as you prefer: relaxing or energetic.
  • Replace strong coffee with a glass of water with lemon or fresh fruit – this way you will quickly and effectively activate the metabolism and naturally cleanse the body after yesterday’s day and night. Time for coffee will come a little later.
  • A few bends, a short yoga session or a run in the park will get you on your feet right away!
  • And finally – a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

After a morning like this, there is no way you can leave the house in a cloudy mood. This is how? Are we starting to live healthier and happier?

Healthy habits in the morning – 6 ideas for a good start to the day

1. A glass of water

Drinking one or two glasses of water right after waking up is a habit that brings many valuable benefits to our body.

The woman is drinking water in bed
  • Fasting water greatly supports the work of the kidneys, which are responsible for the removal of toxins and other harmful metabolic products from our body.
  • It improves the functions of the digestive system – activates the metabolism, and thus prevents constipation and other digestive ailments.
  • It hydrates the body after a night of rest and thus adds energy.
  • It has a positive effect on the functions of the brain, increasing the level of oxygenation of its cells.

In this regard, you have many options to choose from: a glass of still mineral water, water with lemon or lukewarm water with lemon.

2. Fresh fruit

Some of us believe that eating fruit early in the morning on an empty stomach is not good for our body. However, numerous studies prove that it is quite the opposite.

Our morning habits should include a portion of fresh fruit, as they are great for cleansing the body and are a source of valuable nutrients. What’s more, they do not require a lot of effort from our newly awake organism to digest them.

However, try to avoid citrus in the morning, as if eaten on an empty stomach, they can irritate the mucous membranes. Apples, pears or dates will serve you perfectly at this time of the day. They are rich in water and the fiber needed to activate the metabolism.

3. Relaxing background music

One of the fantastic ways to prepare your mind for all-day work is the habit of listening to soft, relaxing tones or energetic sounds of classical music. If you have some time, you can also meditate with it.

Woman with headphones on

Relaxing music excellently awakens the mind, puts it in a positive mood, and stimulates it to work hard. At the same time, it helps to normalize the heart rhythm and control breathing. There are even special music therapies for people suffering from high blood pressure.

4. Practice yoga

Probably each of us has heard more than once that yoga is not only a way to relax, but also a great boost of energy. Scientific research proves that a yoga session benefits us most when we exercise on an empty stomach.

Before breakfast, our stomach does not have to work yet, it is clean and light – so it is able to concentrate only on the beneficial effects of exercise.

Specialists recommend simple asanas that do not require a lot of physical exertion to get the day off to a good start. If you are not used to daily physical activity, you can only focus on meditation to calm your mind and put it in a positive mood.

5. Stretching the body is essential

We do not mean an hour of training, but a few bends, squats and other simple stretching exercises. They will help you relax your muscles and “oil” your joints to reduce the risk of daytime injuries and prevent pain during daily activities.

The woman stretches the muscles of her legs and back

Try to use gentle, fluid movements in the morning stretching. If you approach the matter too vigorously, you can strain your muscles or joints.

6. Cardio exercises

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio exercise, is a very healthy habit before breakfast. We can choose from a wide range of activities: from running, through vigorous walks or cycling, to traditional aerobics.

This form of movement fantastically warms the body, gives energy and helps to maintain a flawless figure. You don’t have to run every day, just run every 2-3 days. Thanks to this, you will avoid excessive fatigue of the body.

After waking up – blood glucose and insulin levels are very low, so our body uses unnecessary fat as energy. In this way, you will not only get in shape for good morning, but also take care of your figure. By following these habits in the morning you will never be overweight!

How and when should you do aerobic exercise?

  • The ideal scenario is cardio training as soon as you wake up.
  • An important aspect is to perform low-intensity exercise for a maximum of 45 minutes.
  • If your morning training session is too long and strenuous, muscle catabolism can occur, which means you burn muscle mass instead of fat reserves.

Be sure to eat a nutritious and energy-rich breakfast after jogging or walking briskly . Prepare them immediately after completing your training.


If you want to improve the quality of your daily life, all you have to do is make your decision. Contrary to appearances, it does not take much time to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Just one hour a day can work wonders for yourself. And that’s about the same as your favorite series!

Try to sleep well and set your alarm clock half an hour earlier than before. Over time, you can gradually extend the time for your healthy morning habits. Initially, implementing them may require some sacrifice on your part. However, after a short time you will find that it was really worth it! See for yourself!

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