6 Natural Remedies For Parasitic Infections

Fighting parasites - say goodbye to them with 6 remedies

Improving our diet is essential to naturally fight parasites. In addition to reducing the consumption of harmful foods, there are other ways that can help us fight parasitic infections.

Parasitic infections of the intestines are much more common than we think. Unfortunately, in most cases we are not aware of them. This is because symptoms can be confused with other disorders such as digestive problems, nervousness, irritability, itching, etc. Fighting parasites can effectively improve our quality of life.

In this article, we propose 6 natural remedies to help fight intestinal parasites and prevent new infections. In this way, by eating these foods, we will ensure a clean and healthy intestine.

Fighting parasites – what should you remember?

When our body is healthy and in balance, parasites sometimes enter the intestines. Under normal conditions, they are naturally eliminated. Most often, however, our bodies are full of toxins, and an unhealthy diet provides food for these pathogens.

Fermented products

Overall, the most effective way to prevent parasite infection is to eat a really healthy diet. It is about reducing or eliminating dairy products, alcohol and sugar, and even fruits that contain too much fructose.

At the same time, we can increase the consumption of fresh and fermented foods (kefir, natural yogurt, sauerkraut, etc.).

Fighting parasites – natural remedies for infections

1. Garlic

Garlic is a classic remedy for infections caused by parasites and all kinds of pathogens (viruses, fungi and bacteria). It is an extremely powerful natural antibiotic and can be taken as an ideal natural remedy when our immunity is weak.

For garlic to have an anti-parasitic effect, we must eat it raw. If we do not tolerate it too well, we can spread it on toast or toast, or generously add it to gazpacho or other cooler. Another option is the famous and ancient Tibetan garlic remedy. Finally, we can also resort to garlic oil capsules.

2. Papaya seeds

Papaya is a tropical fruit that balances all digestive functions. But a not-so-known advantage of this fruit is the anti-parasitic properties of its seeds. These round black seeds with a spicy flavor have extraordinary power.

To consume them as a remedy for parasites, we must crush them or blend them and take them on an empty stomach for several days in a row. We can also mix them with freshly blended papaya juice.

3. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in cucurbits. This amino acid paralyzes some types of parasites and facilitates their evacuation. For this reason, it is an excellent super food to eat every day.

If we already have parasites, we recommend that you eat 30 fresh pumpkin seeds every day on an empty stomach.
It is best to grind them and add them raw to dishes. Otherwise, we’ll have to chew them well to make them effective.

4. Ginger

Ginger is a spice that is distinguished by a special spicy and refreshing taste. It has so many healing properties that we should not stop consuming it every day, especially women. In addition, it is one of the most effective spices to use when the body is infected with parasites.

Ginger - root

We can start the day with ginger tea or add it to the juice of other fruits such as orange, apple or pear. As a preventive measure, we can use it to season all kinds of dishes, both sweet and salty. Ginger makes the flavor more intense and makes the food more juicy.

5. Cloves

Clove is a spice with a strong smell and taste, very popular among natural remedies in the cultures of our ancestors. However, today it is not used so often, but mainly because its properties are not known.

Chewing one clove on an empty stomach every morning will help eliminate parasites and their eggs thanks to its strong antibacterial effect. We can also use it as a spice in appetizers and desserts.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Finally, apple cider vinegar is a simple and accessible remedy for parasites and overall health. In this case, we should always take it on an empty stomach and at least half an hour before a meal, always diluting it in water.

We recommend choosing pure apple cider vinegar, unfiltered and unpasteurized. This way, we will be sure that its enzymes and probiotics will remain intact. In this way, it will be an excellent food that will facilitate the recovery of the proper bacterial flora in the intestines.

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