7 Home Remedies For Nail And Skin Fungus

To prevent the development of mycosis, be sure to keep the affected areas clean. Also, try to minimize moisture as it stimulates the development of mycosis.
Fungus of nails and skin - 7 home remedies

Mycosis of the nails and skin is a very common condition that causes, among other things, discoloration, peeling of the skin and a marked weakening of the nail plate.

Due to the ease with which onychomycosis and skin fungus spreads , fungal infections are a common ailment among people all over the world. They affect about 3-4% of the population, the majority of which are men.

Toenails are much more likely to develop athlete’s foot than your toenails. This is because we wear shoes and socks every day, or when we live in a hot and humid place, which is an environment conducive to the development of fungal infections.

Regardless of whether the fungus has attacked your toenails or your toenails, it is a bothersome ailment that significantly weakens the nail plate.

Treatment of this type of ailments is very monotonous and usually it takes a long time to achieve the desired results. Have you been affected by onychomycosis and skin? In this article, we’ll cover some home remedies for onychomycosis.

Mycosis of nails and skin – home treatments

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an active agent that is very helpful in combating ailments such as onychomycosis and skin fungus. It supports the regulation of the pH level of the skin, thus disrupting the development of fungi by destroying the environment conducive to their development.

Apple cider vinegar is helpful when mycosis attacks

Usage method

  • Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water, and soak the affected toenails or toenails in the liquid for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then dry your skin thoroughly and apply a moisturizer.

2. Garlic

Garlic is an ingredient that is very often used in many natural treatments – including home treatments for fungal infections. This is possible thanks to the antibiotic and bactericidal properties of garlic. It helps to eliminate infection-causing microbes and fungi. Therefore, we recommend using it.

Usage method

  • First, mash 10 cloves of garlic into a paste, place it in a bowl of warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. Then soak in the liquid for about 15 minutes the affected area of ​​the body.
  • Another effective way is to mix the paste of crushed garlic with olive oil and apply it for about 30 minutes where the onychomycosis has appeared.

3. Natural yoghurt

The live bacteria in yogurt, also known as probiotics, are extremely effective in treating fungal infections. They are recommended for people with this ailment.

Natural yogurt is effective against mycosis

Usage method

  • Apply some natural yogurt to the nails that are affected by ringworm and let it dry. Then rinse with warm water.
  • In addition, try to include natural yogurt in your diet in the morning and evening.

4. Tea tree oil

Thanks to its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil has a positive effect on the health of the skin of the hands and feet, eliminating all kinds of microorganisms.

Applying 10% tea tree oil directly to the skin is one home treatment for onychomycosis. The effectiveness is equal to that of the pharmacy.

Effective healing effect in case of infections is also demonstrated by the 25% and 50% concentration of the oil. However, precautions should be taken as it may be irritating.

Usage method

  • First, apply a small drop of tea tree oil to each nail affected by ringworm. Repeat this activity two or three times a day.
  • Remember that this essential oil should never be consumed as it can cause serious side effects such as gastrointestinal irritation and rash.

5. Vicks VapoRub

This well-known ointment, used to relieve the symptoms of flu and colds, can also be an effective treatment when it comes to nail and skin fungus.

Usage method

  • First, wash and dry the affected area. Then apply a small amount of Vicks VapoRub, making sure the area is completely covered.
  • Repeat the treatment twice a day – of which you must do it once before going to bed.

6. Baking soda

The alkaline reaction of baking soda helps fight mycosis and other microorganisms that have a negative impact on the condition of the nails. It is recommended for use when onychomycosis and skin fungus appear.

Baking soda is effective against mycosis

Usage method

  • First, make a paste by mixing baking soda with lemon juice. Apply directly to infected areas of the body.
  • To fight off any bacteria and microorganisms in your footwear, add a little baking soda there.

7. Lemon juice

Lemon has antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is an extremely effective way to get rid of the mycosis problem once and for all. It is also an inexpensive and natural remedy.

Usage method

  • Squeeze the juice of a few lemons and apply it to the fungus-infected areas.
  • It is also a good idea to rub a lemon patch directly on the diseased areas of the body.

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