7 Tips For Being A Great Mom

“Super mama” is more than a mother who can handle all the chores at home and at work; is a sensible mom who knows that in order for everything to work as it should, it is worth assigning some responsibilities to others …
How to be a great mom - here are 7 tips

Is being a super mom even possible? Motherhood can be difficult, especially if a woman has to face other responsibilities in her daily life as well as in her work. For many women, being a great mom is a real challenge.

Being a great mom doesn’t have to mean taking care of everything

Keeping the house clean, caring for and raising children, work, relationships with a partner and at the same time taking care of yourself to feel beautiful and healthy … It’s quite a lot for one person.

This is a goal many women want to achieve. But are we asking too much of ourselves?

Tips for being a great mom

The key to being a super mom is not to burden yourself with the pursuit of the ideal because the ideal simply does not exist.

Based on this fundamental statement, we will give you 7 tips that are essential in order to make your path to a more sane motherhood happy and successful.

1. Love and forgive

The love you give to your family is essential. Basically, all children ever want to hear from their parents is “I love you.” And they never get enough. However, you also have to prove it to them.


Find a moment to play, learn, spend time together as a family. Be firm about the limitations that will allow them to grow healthily, and always be ready to provide any explanation understandably and at the moment.

How to be a great mom

There must also be room for forgiveness in the family. Surely mistakes will happen many times. Therefore, apologizing and forgiving is an essential part of sound motherhood.

Check out this article: 4 tips for busy moms to look beautiful on Mother’s Day

2. Emphasize the important things

Organize your schedule so that you first take care of and take care of the most important matters. If you need to finish a job and you also know that you need to bring your children to school, stay focused and try to work as efficiently as possible while fulfilling your job responsibilities.

You can also use technological aids to help organize your responsibilities as a woman. So rate them for importance and try not to forget anything.

Time scheduling

You can avoid visiting the bank by doing online transactions, you can reorganize your email so that you can take care of the most important matters first.

3. Organize household chores

Each member of the household can perform duties that are appropriate to their age, strength and abilities. You can plan a schedule of duties for everyone. Remember that both the obsession with cleanliness and order and disorder and dirt are not healthy. also remember not to be a machismo support mom. Dad should also have chores around the house.

Mother with daughter

4. Spend your time with them

In addition to housework, you should also spend time together as a family. At least one meal a day should be eaten together with the TV and phones turned off. Family meals stimulate physical and emotional health in children and adolescents.

Make time for each of the children, for your partner and, of course, for yourself.

5. Laugh and cry

There are good and not-so-good emotions in family life. Super mom enjoys the family and shares the joy of being together.

We have a lot of responsibilities

Smile after a hard day at work. At the same time, do not hold back your tears and share your concerns with your partner and children in difficult times.

Sharing emotions, feeling them and dealing with them appropriately is part of the learning that a super mom teaches to her children. The best lesson is not so much the theory, but the living example that mum gives every day.

6. Notice Dad

Super mom notices and appreciates the man who gave birth to her children. Share both household and parenting responsibilities with your partner.

Mom and dad

If a couple is breaking up, it does not mean that the children should distance themselves from their father. Even in situations where the father is absent and not fulfilling his duties, the super mom avoids arousing resentment and hatred in the children. Problems in male-female relationships do not have to destroy the parent-child relationship.

Do you want to know more? The letter becomes the hit “I am a mother, not a slave.”

7. Take care of yourself

You need to take care of your children, but you should also take care of yourself.

To be a super mom and keep up with the needs of your growing children, you need to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit. Therefore, proper diet and exercise are essential.

Likewise, if you want your children to eat and exercise healthily from their youth, it’s best to set an example yourself.

Great mom and daughter

If you feel overwhelmed by household chores or if you don’t know how to deal with difficult situations that happen in your family, don’t hesitate and seek professional help.

Remember that your mental and emotional balance also depends on your children’s well-being.

A final thought for all great moms

Being a super mom doesn’t mean being “almighty.” The important thing in sound motherhood is to accept and understand that sometimes you need support and help. It’s realizing it’s time to divide up your responsibilities. This acceptance and understanding is an expression of your strength to properly raise your children.

This is extremely important for single mothers. Remember: there will always be a helping hand, grandmother, brother or sister to give you the help you need.

Your children need to be cared for and nurtured to thrive. Super mom loves, supports, encourages, understands her children, and in the right time allows them to take control of their fate and live by making their own decisions.

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