8 Foods Causing Cancer

8 cancer-causing foods

Many studies have shown that diet influences the occurrence of common diseases. Moreover, it has been proven that an unbalanced diet, based on products containing a large amount of chemicals, can largely affect health and even cause cancer. So don’t hesitate to read this article about the 8 cancer-causing foods.

Eating certain foods every day can potentially increase your risk of developing cancer. For this reason, every year thousands of people around the world die from this terrible disease.

8 foods that cause cancer or make it worse

Genetically modified food

Transgenic food can potentially cause many different kinds of diseases, the most common of which is cancer.

Chemicals used to accelerate growth can contribute to the development of tumors. The problem is that transgenic foods lurk everywhere, especially in products containing soy, corn or rapeseed (and its derivatives).

However, these types of products can be avoided, or you can introduce certified and proven organic products into your diet. In other words, you should look for food products that did not use the inventions of biotechnology in their production.

Processed meat

All meat products, such as cold cuts, bacon, sausage, mortadella, etc. contain chemical preservatives that allow them to stay fresh longer and look good. However, these chemicals can also contribute to cancer formation.

Food product label

Sodium nitrate and nitrate are responsible for a significant increase in the likelihood of developing cancer, especially colon cancer. If you want to eat meat, you should choose nitrate-free cold cuts. Preferably grass-fed, not corn-fed.

Microwave popcorn is one of the cancer-causing foods

Popcorn is extremely easy to prepare. Just put the bag in the microwave and after two minutes you will take out a snack that is perfect for sitting on the couch and watching movies.

Unfortunately, however, the combination of popcorn ingredients combined with the radiation of the device is responsible for cancer. What’s more, this popcorn uses diacetyl.

This substance gives the (artificial) butter flavor, which is believed to cause serious lung disease. If that was not enough, several of the additional ingredients used in popcorn contain genetically modified materials.

So if you want to enjoy this crunchy delicacy, buy some corn kernels and make popcorn yourself with a little oil and in a lidded pot.

Sweetened and dietetic beverages

Sweetened soft drinks can cause cancer. Just. And that’s because they not only contain a large amount of sugar, but also preservatives.

These types of drinks, both carbonated and non-carbonated, acidify the body and become a breeding ground for cancer cells. In this case, the choice of dietary options is even more dangerous for our health.

They contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener that can lead to a wide variety of diseases, including cancer and birth defects. Other sweeteners, such as sucralose (Splenda) and saccharin, have been found to be responsible for many other diseases.

A drink in a glass

So always choose freshly squeezed juices or, at best, use water.

Refined flour is a carcinogenic food product

This is white, colored flour, often used in the production of processed foods. What is worrying is the excess of carbohydrates. Regular consumption of refined flour is responsible for increasing the incidence of breast cancer in women by as much as 220%.

Moreover, the high glycemic index in the blood causes rapid spikes in blood sugar, which becomes a breeding ground for cancer cells. Choose whole grains (yellowish or slightly brown) and prepare your food yourself. Don’t buy bread and processed foods.

Refined sugar

It has the same effect on the body as refined flour. White sugar tends to increase the levels of insulin and carcinogenic cells in the blood.

You should be careful with fructose-containing foods, such as corn syrup (which is found in many products available in stores) because they are particularly dangerous to the body.

Sugar is one of the foods that cause cancer

Cookies, muffins, juices, cakes, sauces, cereals and all kinds of drinks all contain fructose. This explains to some extent the ever-increasing number of cancer cases worldwide.

The alternative to white sugar is the best option – stevia (buy dried plant) or honey (preferably organic).

Hardened fats

They are used to preserve processed foods and make them solid. However, the downside of these types of fats is their ability to modify the structure and flexibility of the body’s cell membranes.

This can lead to many “destructive” conditions, including cancer. These trans fats are found in a large number of foods and we buy every day.

So many manufacturers are now using substitutes that are safer alternatives, such as palm oil, which is definitely a good option. Therefore, we advise you not to buy food products that contain trans-fats.

Industrially produced vegetables and fruits

How can healthy foods like fruit cause cancer? In fact, the problem is not with the product, but with the way it is preserved before it is released to the market. 98% of vegetables and fruits are contaminated with pesticides that cause cancer, with apples leading the way in this meticulous ranking.

Right behind them are grapes, strawberries, coriander and potatoes. Chemicals are sprayed over the fields to prevent plagues and diseases of the plants. As a result, however, they negatively affect the health of people who consume these fruits and vegetables.

In pregnant women, consumption of these chemicals can consequently increase the risk that children will develop problems such as low IQ or impaired concentration.

To avoid this, organic or pesticide-free certified products should be selected. It is also worth buying food products in the local market.

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