Oats – 9 Reasons For A Healthy Breakfast!

Oats are a valuable source of carbohydrates with slow absorption, thanks to which they give you a feeling of fullness for a long time and provide the energy needed for a good and healthy start to the day.
Oats - 9 reasons for a healthy breakfast!

Oats are a grain that we have already written about many times. However, we always emphasize its miraculous effect on our body. It is one of the most complete foods there is.

Oats are a natural source of protein, unsaturated acids, vitamins, and other essential nutrients. They provide us with many valuable health benefits. Oats are therefore called “the king of all grains” for a reason.

Its amazing properties were known to our ancestors 4000 years ago. In the past, however, this grain was food for the low social classes. With time, it settled permanently in various cultures on all continents. Today, however, it is an indispensable element of a balanced diet for people around the world.

The great thing about oats is that it goes well with a variety of other ingredients and can be used in thousands of different recipes. Moreover, this grain enriches the nutritional value of the dishes. Try to use oatmeal to make a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Why is it worth it?

1. Oats are great for digestion

Due to the high content of soluble fiber, oats are one of the most powerful allies for the proper functioning of the digestive system, especially the large intestine.

Hand on your stomach

Regular consumption of oats helps to prevent troublesome constipation, and also permanently improves intestinal peristalsis, thanks to which we will avoid problems with defecation.

2. Oat grains lower  cholesterol

Oats, thanks to the content of linoleic acid and soluble dietary fiber, effectively remove cholesterol plaques and triglycerides that accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.

The nutrients of oats perfectly cleanse the blood vessels of excess fats. Thanks to this, they prevent the development of many serious diseases, such as hardening of the arteries, myocardial infarction or heart stroke.

3. Keeps up with the proper blood sugar level

Oats are a great friend of people with diabetes. It contains nutrients that help maintain normal blood sugar levels by limiting the absorption of glucose by the intestines.

Sugar measuring equipment

In turn, soluble dietary fiber helps to control spikes in blood sugar levels. Oats are therefore an essential product in the diet of every diabetic.

4. Oats provide a feeling of fullness for longer

Breakfast based on oats provides energy and a feeling of fullness for the entire morning, thanks to which we will avoid snacking before dinner and providing the body with too many calories contained in popular snacks.

The carbohydrates in oat grains release energy gradually, which helps to control excessive appetite and the urge to snack. At the same time, they help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

5. Helps you maintain a healthy weight

Eating oats regularly every day helps to control body weight naturally. As already mentioned, oatmeal provides a lot of energy and keeps you feeling full for a long time.

The nutrients contained in oats not only improve the metabolic process, but also reduce the desire to snack on unhealthy snacks and prevent the accumulation of fats and other harmful metabolic products.

If you want to get slimmer in a healthy way, be sure to start preparing natural cocktails with the addition of a spoonful of oatmeal. You can also add natural yoghurt, skim milk and many different fruits to the recipe.

We especially recommend papaya, which acts like a healing balm on the digestive system.

6. Natural support for the nervous system

Oats are an extremely valuable source of B vitamins. Regular consumption of oat-based foods supports the work of the central nervous system.

If you want to take care of the overall health of your body, don’t hesitate and start eating at least three tablespoons of oatmeal every day, preferably as an addition to breakfast.

7. Oat grains help prevent thyroid problems

Oats are a food product that should not be missing in the diet of people suffering from thyroid disorders, especially in the case of hypothyroidism of this organ, which is important for women.


Oat grains are a rich source of iodine – an element that stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. What’s more, regular consumption of grains of this grain improves the overall health of the body and improves metabolic processes.

8. Oats improve the body’s immunity

Oatmeal for breakfast is the best way to naturally support your immune system. Already in the morning you will provide your body with the necessary nutrients, thanks to which you will strengthen the immunity and response of the body cells to attacks of pathogenic pathogens.

Beta-carotene in oats helps immune cells locate infections. In addition, it effectively eliminates microbes that are harmful to our health.

9. Diuretic properties of oats

Oats are an authentic mineral bomb. It is a valuable source of silicon, which helps to naturally eliminate excess uric acid and fluids that aggravate inflammation in the body.

In this way, oat grains not only prevent diseases such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis,  but also improve our overall health.

Why is oat good for breakfast?

The fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is no discovery. Although we know it very well, not all of us are aware of it. Still many of us ignore the first meal. And that’s a big mistake!

Oats in the form of flakes with additives

A healthy breakfast with oats will provide you with energy for the next day. Remember that natural energy and a bomb of nutrients translate into a good mood, better performance and a positive attitude towards life.

Although oatmeal can be eaten at any time of the day, nutritionists recommend eating grains of this cereal in the morning so that its amazing properties support our body throughout the active day.

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