A Breakfast That Will Give You Energy – A Few Suggestions

Considering that breakfast is the first meal after a long break, it would be best to include products that will give you the healthy energy necessary to face the challenges of the day.
A breakfast that will give you energy - a few suggestions

Breakfast is a very important meal of the day. There is no doubt about it. It is what helps us start a new day after a long period of non-eating during the night.

If in the morning you feel that you are running out of “fuel”, it is very difficult for you to start your day and you walk around sleepy and lost until noon, perhaps you are missing some valuable nutrients that you should have provided in the morning.

That is why in today’s article we will tell you how to compose a breakfast that will provide you with energy from the very first hours of the day.

What’s the best breakfast?

Many people are unaware of the importance of breakfast in our daily routine. It is it that allows us to draw energy to face the challenges that await us. We are used to rushing to grab a cup of coffee while getting dressed for work or doing makeup. Many people leave home on an empty stomach.

It turns out, however, that in order to have energy and vitality throughout the day, it is necessary to eat healthy carbohydrates. We mean the source of glucose, which our body converts into “fuel”.

Muesli for breakfast

The advantage is that we have more strength then because we have the right amount of calories.

We also recommend eating low-fat protein and fruit smoothies for breakfast – especially in summer, when seasonal fruit is plentiful. Thanks to this, we will provide our body with the nutrients it needs to start the day with well-charged batteries.

Many specialists recommend that you look for alternatives to lactose. This can be, for example, almond milk or oatmeal. This helps to avoid consuming high amounts of fat and cholesterol present in dairy products (especially fatty ones).

Eating a hearty and carefully composed breakfast can be a source of many benefits for us. Not only does it perfectly fill you up, but it also activates your metabolism and helps you avoid snacking or overeating later in the day.

Contrary to popular belief, a rich breakfast can help you lose weight and reduce your appetite – provided, of course, you choose healthy foods such as fruit and cereals.

If you are not used to eating large amounts in the morning, start with a small breakfast and gradually increase your portions.

Importantly, if we want to lose a few unnecessary kilograms, it is important not to be late with dinner and eat it at least 3 hours before going to bed. Thanks to this, the body will wake up hungry and it will be easier to reach for a nutritious breakfast the next morning.

A breakfast that will give you energy – some tips

If we skip breakfast in our daily routine, we force our body to use its energy reserves.

  • A good breakfast (energizing and healthy) should include proteins, carbohydrates, and vegetables or fruit.
  • It is very important to remember that whole grains and cereals are the healthiest options. They contain a lot of fiber. This means that there is no risk that we will run out of energy during the day.
  • You can also eat a hard-boiled egg and a handful of dried fruit and nuts.
  • Do not eat breakfast outside the home – for example, in restaurants or milk bars.
  • We also recommend that you avoid processed foods – they increase your blood cholesterol level unnecessarily.
  • Eat Greek yogurt at least 3 times a week (it contains valuable proteins). Try to keep each of these servings with less than 5 grams of sugar.

5 products perfect for breakfast

Perhaps reaching for five products first thing in the morning is too much for you, because you think you won’t be able to eat it. Over time, however, you will see benefits as breakfast is low in fat and high in protein.

Remember that breakfast is not just about nutrition. You can use the time of this meal to spend pleasant moments with your family and recharge your batteries for the day along with its challenges.

Here are the products that should not be missing on your breakfast table:

1. Coffee

While this drink is often demonized in the media, the truth is that when you drink it in reasonable amounts, it can help you keep your energy at the right level.

Caffeine has the ability to improve our mood and increase the efficiency of our mind. What’s more, it effectively removes the feeling of fatigue and speeds up our metabolism.

But be careful: one cup in the morning and another in the afternoon is definitely enough.

2. Dried fruit and delicacies

They are very rich in proteins, healthy fats and fiber. They contain a lot of calories, thanks to which they provide us with a feeling of fullness and prevent snacking between meals.

Dried fruits contain vitamin E, magnesium and manganese, thanks to which they reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. They blend in perfectly with milk or natural yoghurt.

3. Eggs

Another product is often mistakenly considered to be harmful to health. However, if we consume them in reasonable amounts, we provide our body with 6 grams of healthy protein. It will also make it easier for us to lose weight, especially around the abdomen.

One egg for breakfast supports brain function, balances cholesterol levels and helps prevent muscle degeneration. What’s more, it feeds well, thanks to which we will avoid snacking later in the day.

4. Flax seeds

The seeds of flax are small, but they provide us with a whole lot of valuable nutrients. Linen provides us with Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B1, fiber, magnesium and other minerals. One tablespoon of these seeds mixed with juice or yogurt reduces cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Flax seeds

5. Oatmeal

If we want to compose an excellent breakfast that will give us energy, oat flakes must not be missing. They can be eaten with yoghurt, milk, juice, or in the form of oatmeal paste or cookies.

Oatmeal provides a large amount of nutrients, including fiber, iron and magnesium. However, the biggest advantage of this product is the fact that it is perfectly nourished and the effect lasts for a long time.

Thanks to them, the stomach should be saturated for long hours, thanks to which you will avoid snacking between meals.

Here are a few other foods that shouldn’t be missing from your breakfast table:

  • Natural yoghurt (preferably Greek)
  • Fresh fruit (whole, juice or smoothie)
  • Cottage cheese
  • Green tea (excellent source of energy)

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