Coconut Water – Its 8 Amazing Benefits

Coconut water - 8 amazing benefits

Coconut water is sweet and perfect for adding a special touch to teas or smoothies. But have you ever heard of the other benefits of consuming it?

Before we start our article, you should know that coconut water is known to be an excellent drink for professional athletes. Its reputation comes from all the benefits it offers and which we will explain below.

What is coconut water?

Coconut water is a pure liquid that is found in coconut . It contains 94% water as well as a large amount of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

  1. It is a great source of nutrients

Drinking coconut water.

The first benefit of this drink on our list is that it is a tasty, easy and effective way to get your vitamins and minerals. One cup of coconut water contains:

  • 9 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 3 grams of fiber.
  • 2 grams of protein.
  • 46 calories.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Calcium.
  1. It helps to maintain a healthy weight

Another advantage of coconut water is that it is sweet but low in calories. So it is an ideal substitute for drinks, juices and other bottled drinks.

In addition, the high antioxidant content helps keep you looking young. However, since water is also high in sugar and sodium, you should not consume it in excess.

  1. Coconut water has antioxidant properties

Free radicals are unstable molecules that appear in cells during metabolism. When too many free radicals are present, the body is under oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress can damage cells and increase the risk of developing the disease. Fortunately, another benefit of coconut water is that it contains antioxidants that fight free radicals.

Coconut water.
  1. It hydrates your body

Among the many other advantages of this delicious drink is its high electrolyte content. The body needs these minerals to maintain fluid balance. Coconut water is great for hydrating the body after intense exercise. The electrolytes that provide this:

  • Magnesium.
  • Sodium.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  1. It helps lower blood pressure levels

Woman taking blood pressure.

The potassium content of coconut water helps lower blood pressure. Just 1 cup of coconut water can provide 600 mg of potassium.

  • Remember that in addition to drinking coconut water, you should exercise and follow a healthy diet.
  1. Coconut water controls glucose levels

Are you a diabetic ? If so, you will be happy to know that another benefit of coconut water is that it can stabilize blood sugar levels. As an excellent source of magnesium, it increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

  1. It prevents headaches and hangovers

Coconut water.

When you drink alcohol, your body begs for water and electrolytes. The next day, this need can make you feel lethargic, tired, and can cause headaches and nausea. A glass of coconut water can help you feel better.

If you suffer from a headache that is not alcohol related, coconut water can still be of great help. The electrolytes contained in it can reduce discomfort.

  1. It prevents kidney stones

Drinking plenty of fluids is important to help prevent the formation of kidney stones. Although water is a fantastic option, not everyone likes to drink it. If that’s the case for you, you’re in luck.

Kidney stones form when too much calcium, oxalate, and other compounds build up in the kidneys. Coconut water prevents these crystals from attaching to the kidneys. It also reduces the amount of crystals or debris they form, making it easier to expel them from the body.

Can you get the same benefits with commercial coconut water?

There are many commercial brands that offer very healthy options. You should check product labels. A good product should only contain coconut water and possibly mineral water.

If you find other ingredients like preservatives or sugar, look for another option.

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