Corn Meal – 10 Ways To Use

Due to its texture, similar to talcum powder, potato flour can prove very useful in removing odors from shoes.
Cornmeal - 10 ways to apply

Cornmeal  is a type of fine flour that we often use in the kitchen to prepare delicious dishes.

It turns out, however, that cornmeal  has more uses than you might imagine.

You find it hard to believe? So take a look at the article prepared for you. We will introduce you to useful tricks that will make cornmeal your great ally in many tasks. You certainly didn’t know them.

You might want to use some of them even today!

1. Cornmeal helps remove greasy stains

Cornmeal can be your biggest ally in cleaning your home. It is perfect for removing greasy stains from places such as a sofa, armchair or carpet.

Vacuuming the carpet

If there are grease stains on them, be sure to try the method below.


  • 4 tablespoons of potato flour (32 g)
  • 1/4 cup of milk (62 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Make a paste using potato starch and milk.
  • Then put the paste on the stain and let it sit overnight to let it act.
  • The next day you will notice that the paste has become stiff and hard. Remove it from the surface and then use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of any residue.
  • You can even try this trick if there are ink or ink stains.

2. Cornmeal effectively removes unpleasant odors from shoes

It will help you eliminate the problem of mycosis and odor-causing bacteria.

  • It’s very simple: you just need to put a little potato starch in your shoes and then leave it overnight.
  • The next day, remove the flour. You can use a vacuum cleaner for this or just throw it out of the shoe.
  • You will quickly notice that the unpleasant smell is gone.

3. Helps to clean glass and crystal

The best glass and crystal cleaner, it turns out, is plain corn meal.


  • 1 cup of vinegar (250 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1/2 lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of cornmeal (16 g)

A method of preparing

  • Place all ingredients in a spray canister, then shake well to combine.
  • All you need to do is spray the glass and crystal with the mixture obtained, then clean them with a damp cloth and polish them.

4. Makes ironing easier

If you feel that your iron is not ironing the best, be sure to try the following method.

Ironing - cornmeal will make it easier


  • 1 teaspoon of cornmeal (5 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

A method of preparing

  • Make your own cornmeal spray in a spray bottle.
  • Spray on hard-to-iron clothes and say goodbye to troublesome creases once and for all. It is very easy!

5. Cornmeal restores shine to cutlery

Cornmeal is a known way to restore shine to household items such as cutlery.


  • 1/4 cup of water (62 ml)
  • 4 tablespoons of cornmeal (32 g)

A method of preparing

  • Make a paste of both of these ingredients.
  • Rub it into the items you want to polish and let it dry.
  • Then remove the paste with a damp cloth. You will see all the cutlery return to its original state.

6. The best product for your furniture

Did you know that cornmeal can also help you renovate your furniture?


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal (8 g)

A method of preparing

  • Combine the two ingredients, wet the cloth in the mixture and rub into the furniture you want to refresh.
  • Wait a few minutes for it to dry a bit, then wipe it with a dry cloth in a circular motion. This way you will restore the shine of the cleaned surfaces.

7. The cornmeal will help remove the moisture that damages your books

Moisture can damage your books or cause mold to appear on them. However, you can easily get rid of this problem by sprinkling them with a little cornmeal.

The woman is reading the book

It will absorb unpleasant odors and moisture, so you can forget about mold and enjoy reading.

8. Is your skin oily? Make yourself a mask!

If you have a problem with oily skin, a cornmeal mask is a perfect solution.


  • 2 tablespoons of cornmeal (16 g)
  • 1/2 cup of lukewarm water (100 ml)
  • Moisturizing cream

A method of preparing

  • In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of cornmeal with lukewarm water and your favorite moisturizing cream.
  • Apply to face, leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  • You can repeat this mask 2-3 times a week.

You will quickly notice how your skin tightens. Acne and troublesome pimples will also disappear.

9. Knots impossible to untie

If you’re dealing with an impossible knot, cornmeal can help.

It’s very simple – just sprinkle a little flour into the knot and everything will become easier. You can solve it without any major problems. As it turns out, the meal is an invaluable help for housewives.

10. Cornmeal is ideal for dry cleaning

Cornmeal will help you effectively remove dirt and odors from your clothes without sending them to the laundry.

The woman is holding folded clothes

What will you need?

  • 2 cups of cornmeal (240 g)
  • 1 plastic bag

What should i do?

  • Place the clothes in a foil bag (preferably tightly closed) and add two glasses of cornmeal)
  • Then close the bag tightly and make sure the flour covers the garment.
  • Put it on overnight and use a vacuum cleaner to remove any leftover flour the next day. Ideally at low speed to avoid damaging your clothes.
  • You’ll be surprised how easy it is to dry-clean your clothes at home.

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