A Bag For The Day Of Childbirth – A Must-have For A Future Mother

When you’re only three to four weeks away from being resolved, it’s a great time to prepare your hand luggage with the things you’ll need in the hospital. It is worth preparing it in advance in case your baby unexpectedly decides that he does not want to delay his birth any longer. 
A bag for the day of childbirth - a must-have for a mother-to-be

As pregnancy draws near, we all become more nervous. We are looking forward to a day when there will be no time for anything. When everything in the house is ready to receive the baby, it’s time to take care of the last important element. It is a delivery bag that needs to be packed well.

This bag can be beneficial when your baby is in a hurry to come into the world.

Of course, on the Internet you can find ready-made lists detailing what exactly such a bag should contain. Some are more specific than others. The most important thing is to prepare it well in advance. Also, remember that the point is not to pack literally everything.

Childbirth bag – what should it contain?

When preparing for the day of delivery, remember that the bag will not hold everything. Rather, it is important that you know what’s in which pocket or compartment. Ideally, all things you choose to take to the hospital should be treated this way.

A pregnant woman

The perinatal period is full of stress, so avoid having to search many bags for one thing. To keep your childbirth bag well prepared, you can pack it using the suggestions below.

1. Important documents

Place a briefcase with important documents in an easily accessible place of the bag. In addition to the originals, it is worth preparing copies. The documents should include:

  • ID card
  • Insurance
  • Medical prescriptions, if you received any medical treatment during pregnancy
  • Recently performed medical examinations (blood, ultrasound and others)

2. Clothing for the mother

Although you will lose a few kilos during childbirth, it does not mean that you will immediately return to the shape you had before becoming pregnant. So prepare comfortable and loose clothes that will allow you to relax.

Such planning will be all the more effective in the event of a cesarean section. In this case, you will need help getting dressed, and it will be easier to do this with looser clothing.

  • Bathrobe or pajamas with front opening.
  • High-waisted underwear (in the case of a caesarean section, the elastic will not fall over the incision site).
  • A nursing bra that is a size or two larger than your normal nursing bra. Even if you weren’t breastfeeding, the milk will still come to your breast. Better not dress too tightly.
  • Socks in case of cold.
  • Bath towel.
  • Clothes in which you will leave the hospital.
  • Slippers for comfortable walking in the hospital and flip-flops for the shower.

3. Clothes for a child

Childbirth day bag - the woman chooses clothes
  • Pajamas.
  • Socks.
  • Caps.
  • Little towels.
  • T-shirts.
  • Cloth nappies to be arranged between the baby and the visiting person who wants to carry the baby.
  • Towel.
  • Clothes for leaving the hospital.
  • Baby carrier.

What you definitely do not need to take to the hospital are wet wipes and gloves. The baby very often puts its hands in its mouth, as it did in your womb. It’s a completely natural reflex.

4. Mom’s personal belongings

While some hospitals give your mother products for personal use, it’s better to bring your own so she doesn’t feel uncomfortable. Especially those intended for personal hygiene.

  • Sanitary pads. Postpartum bleeding is more than usual. In addition, you may also experience urinary incontinence.
  • Shampoo, conditioner and other hair care products.
  • Makeup. Remember that you will be visited by family members and friends. While you won’t be over-dressing, consider taking lipstick, mascara, or other products that allow you to do a simple make-up.
  • Moisturizing cream for the body and face.
  • Deodorant.
  • Toothpaste and mouthwash.

5. The child’s personal belongings

Of course, your maternity bag must be supplied with nappies. A baby bag should also be properly prepared and organized. Remember where you put what.


Prepare 20-24 diapers. There is no need to take more. Also pack airtight plastic bags so that you can hand over nappies and clothes to medical staff. It’s also a good idea to bring a baby moisturizer and a cream to prevent diaper rash.

6. Things to remember

It is a good practice to give a modest gift to those who come to the hospital to see the baby. For this purpose, it is worth preparing souvenir thank you cards in advance.

You can attach a packet of cookies, candy or dried fruit to such a card. This is a really nice gesture to those who have shown us a personal interest, whether they are friends or immediate family members.

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