A Cocktail For Beautiful Skin – 6 Recipes

Smoothie for beautiful skin - 6 recipes

To enjoy a healthy and shiny skin, you need to regularly supply the body with the necessary nutrients. There are treatments and creams, but nutrition is the most important thing. When our body is full of toxins and is not working properly, it immediately shows up on our skin.

Can a smoothie of vegetables and fruits help? Of course. It is a source of essential nutrients that eliminate toxins and moisturize the skin, making it look perfect. What to prepare such a  cocktail from ? Here are 6 delicious examples!

Cocktail for dry and damaged skin

Dry skin is the most common problem that affects our skin. This delicious cocktail is the perfect way to moisturize her.


  • 1 cup of mineral water (200 ml).
  • ½ lemon.
  • 10 grapes.
  • 2 apples, peeled, cut into wedges.
  • Honey or sweetener (optional).

A method of preparing

Put all the ingredients in the juicer. After a few minutes, without draining, the cocktail is ready to drink. Remember that fruits oxidize very quickly. You should drink the prepared drink as soon as possible – before it loses its valuable properties.

Reach for this cocktail 3 times a week, on an empty stomach or with breakfast. Then you will definitely use the antioxidants contained in it.

Rejuvenating cocktail

Natural orange juice

This cocktail is an irreplaceable way to regenerate collagen in the skin. It prevents premature aging, moisturizes and restores elasticity.


  • 1 cup of water or milk (200 ml).
  • 2 kiwi, cut into pieces.
  • the juice of one orange.
  • 1 cup of sliced strawberries  (100 g).
  • 4 ice cubes.
  • Sugar to taste.

A method of preparing

Put all the ingredients in the juicer, add a little ice and it’s ready. We drink the cocktail right away. Try to drink it several times a day.

A cocktail for acne and oily skin

This powerful cocktail is reliable against acne. By the way, it eliminates excess fat in the skin.


  • 150 g of strawberries.
  • 2 large pieces of melon.
  • Celery.
  • Mineral water.

A method of preparing

With the help of a blender, combine all the ingredients. A uniform cocktail should form. You can sweeten it as you like. We drink twice a week for two months.

Green moisturizing cocktail

Fresh cucumber juice

Green juices have become more widespread especially in recent years. They have been proven to be extremely effective in weight loss. This cocktail has a moisturizing effect on the skin and prevents it from premature aging.


  • 1 cucumber.
  • 1 tablespoon of alfalfa.
  • 1 celery.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 2 glasses of mineral water (400 ml).

A method of preparing

Peel a clove of garlic and remove the seeds from the cucumber. We clean the remaining ingredients. We put everything in the juicer. To take advantage of all the valuable properties, drink the cocktail immediately after preparation, preferably on an empty stomach.

Detoxifying cocktail

This fantastic drink is full of antioxidants and other nutrients that are essential to fight free radicals and excess toxins.

Thanks to this, you will delay the appearance of wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity.


  • 2 medium red tomatoes.
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll.
  • 1 handful of soy sprouts.
  • 1 celery.
  • 1 piece of parsley.
  • 1 pinch of sea salt.

A method of preparing

Put all the ingredients in the juicer. We add a little water. Once our cocktail is ready, we can season it with sea salt and a few drops of lemon juice. Recommended 3 times a week, preferably at noon.

Cocktail for skin imperfections

Papaya cocktail

Breakouts are a very common ailment. They can be related to hormonal problems, poor nutrition or excess sebum. This cocktail is the best solution:


  • 1 small papaya (or half a large).
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Molasses to taste.
  • ½ apples with peel.
  • 1 tablespoon of linseed.

A method of preparing

With the help of a blender and the addition of water, we combine all the ingredients into a smooth cocktail. We drink without straining, preferably on an empty stomach.

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