Acne On The Face – 5 Natural Treatments

Acne on the face - 5 natural treatments

Do you also have acne on your face ? In addition to using these natural remedies to eliminate acne, it is also important to identify the origin of acne in order to apply the appropriate remedies for treatment.

The appearance of acne is one of the many problems that arise more frequently in adolescence. Although facial acne can appear at any age, young people are more prone to it because of the sudden hormonal changes that occur in their bodies.

Facial acne develops when sebum, dead skin cells and impurities build up inside the pores. As a consequence, the skin is unable to adequately oxygenate, causing inflammation.

Usually, facial acne is not painful, although sometimes the acne can become infected and cause complications. However, it almost always disappears over time without much trouble.

What’s more, thanks to the compounds found in some healing agents, it is possible to thoroughly clean the skin and speed up the healing process.

In this article, we will discuss the main causes of acne as well as 5 effective natural solutions. We wish you a pleasant reading!

Acne on the face – causes

The appearance of pimples is caused by various factors. They are the result of skin contamination and the secretion of sebum that accumulates in the small pores that are all over the face.

Their presence signals a change in the glands that may also be triggered by other factors or conditions.

Acne on the face.

Hormonal changes

The sebaceous glands can secrete too much substance during puberty, during the menstrual cycles, and during the menopause.

The end result is an overproduction of sebum by the oil glands that saturate the pores, leading to swelling and pimples.

Stress and anxiety

Living in a state of constant anxiety and coping with stressful situations hinders cellular oxidation and lowers the skin’s ability to cleanse itself. Consequently, people with such disorders often develop skin imperfections.

Bad diet

Bad diet.

While this is controversial, it is believed that diets high in sugar and fat can also cause pimples and blackheads.

Contact dermatitis

Direct skin contact with certain irritants can cause an allergic reaction in the form of eczema and redness.

Inadequate hygiene

Failure to wash your face or sleeping with makeup can cause a build-up of residues on the skin, which will contribute to the appearance of acne on the face.

Natural treatments for acne on the face

To meet the needs of people with acne, the beauty industry has developed countless products. Even so, there are natural solutions that can be used to achieve similar results.

  1. green clay

Green clay.

Green clay detoxifies the skin and absorbs excess oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores.

How to use a green clay mask?

  • Moisten a little green clay until it forms a paste.
  • Rub it on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water while gently massaging the skin to remove the clay.
  • Use twice a week.
  1. green tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has astringent properties. It helps in revitalizing and deep cleansing the face to minimize the appearance of pimples.

Use of green tea:

  • Put a little green tea on your face and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Clean with a damp cloth or rinse with cold water.
  • Use at least 3 times a week.
  1. Rose water

Rose water.

Rose water is a natural tonic that has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect , helping to remove the residue that contributes to the appearance of breakouts.

Use of rose water:

  • Moisten a cotton ball with rose water and gently massage into the skin.
  • Leave it on for a while and rinse your face with water; use twice a day.
  1. Aloe gel

If your facial acne is the result of an infection, aloe vera gel can help control it thanks to its healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Using aloe vera gel:

  • Squeeze fresh aloe vera gel and apply to the affected areas.
  • Wait 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Use every day until your skin clears.
  1. Honey

Honey in a jar.

Honey’s antibacterial properties remove bacteria that lead to acne.

Its nutrients regenerate tissue and help prevent the appearance of scars and blemishes.

Use of honey:

  • Make a mask of pure honey, making sure to cover all the areas where it occurs.
  • Wait 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Use 3 times a week.

Remember that in order to obtain the best results, it is  essential to be consistent when applying the chosen natural treatment.

Try to keep your skin clean and avoid using too much makeup – at least until the spots are gone.

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