Aging And Enemies Of Youthful Looks!

Providing too little water, an unhealthy diet, stress and worry not only weaken our immune system, but also accelerate the aging process.
Aging and enemies of youthful appearance!

So far, neither science nor medicine have figured out a way to avoid the effects of the inexorable passage of time. Aging is a natural process that will affect all of us sooner or later, so it is good to accept it, accept it with a smile and a pinch of salt.

It should be remembered that the way we age is very much influenced by our lifestyle. It depends on us to a large extent when the skin starts to lose its elasticity and the first wrinkles start to appear.

It is enough to learn a few ways that can delay aging and even stop aging to some extent. Adopt the right strategy and be aware of the mistakes we make every day.

1. Aging and the daily diet

We all know that it is nutrition that determines the state of our health and corresponds to the proper functioning of the whole organism. Over time, without even realizing it, we get used to certain eating habits. And they can turn out to be harmful in the long run and accelerate the aging process.

Processed products - canned food and crisps

Be careful of the excess of refined flour and products made from it, so eagerly eaten at dinner after a long working day.

Remember that most often these are dishes not only rich in calories, which favor the accumulation of fat, but also substances that increase the level of cholesterol. In addition, they are poor in ingredients necessary to nourish our skin.

What foods to avoid to delay skin cell aging?

  • Sweets – remember that excess sweets destroys collagen in the skin.
  • Alcoholic beverages – excess alcohol hampers the liver and destroys it, which in turn makes it impossible to cleanse the body of toxins. It also provokes early aging. Alcohol should always be consumed in limited amounts. What too much is not healthy!
  • Salty foods – we all love salty snacks, crisps, sticks and peanuts. In fact, they are a great danger to our health. In addition, salt promotes the appearance of cellulite faster.
  • Meat preparations (sausages, hamburgers) – in these products we can find sulfites, salts or esters of sulfuric acid, which accelerate the aging process.
  • Red meat – in this meat we find a lot of free radicals that destroy collagen and elastin fibers of the skin and disrupt its defense functions.
  • Sweet and carbonated drinks – they are very harmful to our health and appearance.
  • Foods rich in trans fats – Trans fatty acids cause inflammation as well as fluid retention in the body. In addition, they increase our sensitivity to sunlight and contribute to the development of heart disease. It is recommended to exclude them from the daily diet.

2. Stress and worries and the aging of the organism

There is one aspect that should be kept in mind in particular. Women are much more exposed to stress than men. They feel negative emotions much more intensely and for longer. However, as it turns out, men are more likely to die of stress-related diseases.

Broken woman

As you can see, all these negative emotions that we are unable to deal with, or deal with inappropriately, can lead to various psychosomatic diseases. What’s more, they can also cause the body to age earlier. Do you want to know why?

  • A stressful situation that lasts for several months can lead to very serious changes in the body. Cortisol released under the influence of stress accelerates the heart rate and promotes the appearance of atherosclerosis.
  • In addition, when stress is prolonged, cortisol negatively affects brain cells, especially the structures responsible for learning and memory.
  • In addition to cortisol, epinephrine, better known as adrenaline, is also released, which contributes to cellular oxidation, inhibits the synthesis of nutrients, and provokes the deposition of blood lipids.
  • Stress negatively affects the functioning of the immune system, which results in premature aging of the body.

Now you know why it is so important to skillfully deal with problems, worries and negative emotions.

3. Low intake of antioxidants and the aging of the body

Low dietary antioxidant content is something that is usually overlooked. However, it is worth incorporating them into meals, because their lack has a negative impact on our skin, which in turn is very sensitive to the presence of free radicals.

Lemon juice helps to delay aging

The following products should be included in your daily diet:

  • lemon juice on an empty stomach
  • kiwi
  • strawberries
  • mango
  • orange
  • Brussels sprouts
  • carrot
  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • papaya
  • pumpkin
  • a cup of green or white tea a day
  • two servings of fatty fish per week

4. One of the biggest enemies of a youthful appearance – the sun!


The sun’s rays bring many benefits,  as they are necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D, and in addition, they significantly improve our well-being. However, remember to dose the sun wisely, and especially avoid it at high noon.

We, women love basking in the holiday sun, forgetting that it is one of the main factors accelerating skin aging. Don’t forget about it and protect yourself properly!

5. Female and calcium

Calcium is one of the minerals that women should provide to the body at any age. Why? Because they are the most vulnerable to bone loss and osteoporosis, which will affect the quality of life sooner or later.

Calcium-rich dairy products

If calcium is not replenished regularly for a long time, bones will age prematurely as well. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to include the following products in your diet:

  • plain natural yoghurt with no added sugar
  • a glass of milk (if you tolerate lactose and digest it properly, otherwise choose walnut or almond milk)
  • tofu
  • 3 walnuts and 3 almonds a day

If your mother or other family relatives suffer from osteoporosis, it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor who will advise you on how to cover calcium deficits and recommend appropriate dietary supplements. The sooner you get interested in it, the better!

By following the simple tips above, you are sure to be able to prevent, even to a small extent, premature aging of the body.

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