Alkaline Diet – 6 Essential Products

Acidification of the body can have very serious health consequences. An alkaline diet will help you avoid the negative effects of acidification.
Alkaline diet - 6 essential products

An alkaline diet  is a great natural way to avoid the negative effects of acidifying the body. As it turns out, inadequate pH in the body can lead to the development of many serious diseases and disorders.

Bad eating habits are the main cause of acidification of the body. That is why the solution is an  alkaline diet  that will allow you to enjoy your health and well-being. Read this article and find out about 6 products that can help you avoid or reverse the negative effects of acidification.

Alkaline diet and acidification of the body

Most of the products sold in supermarkets today negatively affect our body’s pH. We eat huge amounts of high-calorie foods that acidify the body and cause a wide variety of side effects at the same time.

When we add stress and toxic substances present in the environment to bad eating habits, it turns out that acidification of the body is a problem that affects a huge number of people.

Fortunately , an alkaline diet, based on foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients, will help you normalize your body’s pH. Here are 6 such essential products.

1. Spinach

Spinach leaves

One of the healthiest foods that should be included in your diet is spinach. It is not only a rich source of nutrients, but also minerals, protein and fiber that support the functioning of the body.

Like all green vegetables, pineapple also contains chlorophyll, which has an alkalizing effect on the blood. A diet rich in spinach provides you with a large dose of vitamins A, C, B2, B9, E and K, minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium and iron.

2. Cabbage

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that alternative medicine has used for decades to cleanse the body of toxins and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

K apusta contains antioxidants that prevent the harmful effects of free radicals and the development of cancer cells.

Cabbage, although not as popular as other vegetables, is one of the most alkalizing foods your diet should be based on. To sum up, cabbage will provide you with ingredients such as vitamins A, C and K, chlorophyll, potassium, zinc, iron and glucosinolates.

3. Cucumbers

Cucumber slices

The first advantage of cucumbers is the fact that they are 95% water. As a result, they are not only the least caloric of all vegetables, but also have high alkalizing properties.

Cucumbers are a source of antioxidants, such as lignans, which help prevent many chronic diseases. What’s more, an alkaline diet based on cucumbers does not have to be boring, because these vegetables allow for many different culinary experiments.

Cucumbers are a source of vitamins A, C, K and B vitamins, as well as minerals such as magnesium, selenium, copper, potassium, iron and zinc.

4. Broccoli

A healthy and balanced diet should include eating broccoli up to four times a week.

This vegetable is a rich source of chlorophyll, antioxidants and dietary fiber, and all these ingredients significantly reduce the acidification of the body and allow the removal of toxins and harmful metabolic products from it.

Broccoli is also recommended to improve cardiovascular fitness, speed up metabolism and strengthen the immune system. They are a source of substances such as vitamins A, B2, B6, B9 and K, as well as magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium and proteins.

5. Avocados


Many people mistakenly believe that a diet that is not to induce weight gain should not contain avocados, as it is a high-calorie, high-fat fruit. However, this is a mistake, because the fats present in avocados are healthy fats that do not threaten to gain unnecessary kilograms.

On the contrary – avocados help lower the level of bad cholesterol, while increasing the level of lipoproteins, which reduce the acidification of the body and protect against inflammation.

Avocados contain a large dose of fiber and vitamins B5, B6, B9, C and K, as well as potassium.

6. Lemons

As you already know, lemon is a product that no healthy diet can do without, whether it is slimming or cleansing the body of toxins. Paradoxically, despite the fact that lemon has a sour taste, it is one of the most effective alkalizing products, thus neutralizing the acidification of the body.

It turns out that the pH of a lemon not only improves digestion, but also helps to alkaline the blood. Lemon is also a source of vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium. You will also find dietary fiber and antioxidants.

A diet containing the products described above is an effective way to deal with the negative effects of acidifying the body. Try to eat each of these foods several times a week and you will feel better.

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