Almond Cream With Grapes And Melon

Cold almond cream with grapes and melon is a refreshing recipe that can be enjoyed on hot days or as a light dinner.
Almond cream with grapes and melon

In today’s article, you will learn how to make a delicious almond cream with grapes and melon. We invite you to read!

Cold summer soups are a good alternative to a refreshing meal. And most importantly, they are very easy to make. They’re ready in just over 15 or 30 minutes! Besides, if you add seasonal fruit to them, the dish will be even healthier and tastier.

Almond cream: nutritional properties of ingredients

Before we show you how to prepare this recipe, we want to tell you about the properties of almonds, grapes and melon. This way you will find out why each ingredient in this soup is good for your body.

Properties of almonds

Almonds are a product with lots of protein and healthy fats. What’s more, they are a valuable source of essential nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet.

Here are just some of their many advantages:

  • Healthy for the heart : thanks to the monounsaturated fat and fiber they contain, they have cholesterol-lowering properties. For this reason, as highlighted in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, they likely provide multiple benefits when it comes to other cardiovascular risks.
  • Rich in calcium : They make a good alternative to dairy products as they provide calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. All of this is necessary for the formation and regeneration of bones and teeth.
  • Immune Enhancement : The antioxidant power they possess from vitamin E, quercetin, manganese, and zinc reduces oxidative stress and inflammation.

Almonds contain healthy fats, fiber, and antioxidants that improve your well-being. In particular, they can help protect the health of the cardiovascular system.

Properties of grapes

To take advantage of the benefits of the grapes, eat the whole fruit, including the peel and seeds. One of the greatest benefits of grapes is that they contain many vitamins such as C, A, and K.

In addition, there are various antioxidant substances in the grape skins. These include flavones that protect blood vessels, prevent arteriosclerosis, and stimulate the immune system. They also contain resveratrol, the absorption of which reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

A recent study published in the Experimental and Clinical Sciences Journal found that resveratrol can stimulate sirtuins. These are cellular enzymes that delay the aging process and can prevent geriatric diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Resveratrol is found in the skin of dark grapes.

Properties of the melon

The large amounts of water, potassium, folic acid and antioxidant vitamins make melon a light and very healthy product. It has the following properties:

  • It cleanses the body thanks to the high content of water, fiber and potassium.
  • Helps to take care of the skin thanks to the content of vitamins with antioxidant properties.
  • It lowers blood pressure because it is rich in lycopene.
  • Boosts your immune system thanks to citrulline, the substance that makes your body produce arginine. It is an essential amino acid for your metabolism.

Recipe for cold almond cream with grapes and melon

Cold almond cream with grapes and melon is perfect for summer. Its ingredients moisturize and provide important nutrients.

Cream soup

Ingredients (for 4 servings)

  • Cold water (1 liter).
  • Green grapes (350 g).
  • ½ melon.
  • Almonds (130 g).
  • 4 slices of bread, without crusts.
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic.
  • ½ cup extra virgin olive oil.
  • Salt to taste.

How to prepare almond cream with grapes and melon?

  • First, break the bread into smaller pieces in a large bowl and cover with water. Leave to soak for a few minutes until the bread is soft.
  • Then put half a teaspoon of salt and almonds in a blender and blend until smooth.
  • Add the bread to the blender and blend its contents again.
  • Keep blending, gradually adding the olive oil. Then add the garlic.
  • Finally, add water and put the almond cream in the fridge.
  • Leave to cool for at least an hour.
  • Pour the cream into bowls and garnish with washed grapes and diced melon.
  • That’s it – your dish is ready, delicious and refreshing!

Final tips

You can add almond milk to the soup to enhance the flavor of your meal. Likewise, you can also use cow’s milk if you prefer, although the cream will then be thicker. If you don’t have grapes or melon, you can add an apple. Any fruit with a little acidity will suit.

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