Almonds – Soak Them Before Eating

If you soak the almonds before eating them, they will have even better nutritional value. For example, the vitamin E from almonds is much better absorbed when you remove the skin.
Almonds - soak them before eating

Almonds are not only healthy, but also a very tasty product, and eating them in some countries, such as India, is even a tradition.

You may already know the health benefits of almonds, but did you know that it is best to consume them only after soaking them first?

Soaked almonds are digested more efficiently by the body, and thus provide more nutrients. Try to eat just 5 soaked almonds for breakfast and you will find out about their amazing effect on your body.

1. Soaked almonds are more nutritious

Almonds are very popular, and more and more people are using their numerous nutritional properties, including drinking almond milk.

However, if you want to make sure that when you eat almonds you are providing your body with as much vitamins and minerals as possible, soak the almonds overnight before consuming them.

Here’s why you should do it:

  • First, by soaking the almonds, you get rid of the skin that covers them, which makes it difficult to absorb the enzymes contained in the almonds.
  • Soaked almonds are easier to chew because they soften under the influence of water.

It is enough to eat only 5 almonds a day to improve brain function and strengthen memory.

This amount also provides you with loads of vitamin E, zinc, calcium, and saturated omega 3 fatty acids.

2. They improve digestion

A handful of almonds

If you leave almonds in the water for at least 8 hours, they release an enzyme called lipase, which speeds up the digestion of fat.

3. They help to lose weight

Monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids in almonds are a very important part of a slimming diet. Here’s how they affect your body:

  • They provide a feeling of satiety.
  • They prevent constipation.
  • They accelerate the digestion of fats.
  • They help maintain muscle mass.
  • They improve metabolism.

4. They strengthen the circulatory system

Many people who want to strengthen their heart in natural ways eat walnuts regularly.


It is worth knowing that almonds also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and circulatory system. Almonds help lower the level of bad blood cholesterol (LDL).

This is due to the high content of antioxidants and minerals that improve blood circulation and protect veins and arteries from the build-up of sediment on their walls.

5. A rich source of vitamin E

Another benefit of almonds is the high amount of vitamin E they contain.

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is best absorbed when you consume peeled almonds.

This vitamin helps to reduce the effects of free radicals, thanks to which it protects the cells of the entire body and helps – among other things – to keep the skin smooth for longer, free from wrinkles.

What’s more, this antioxidant helps protect your body against the growth of cancer cells.

6. Children should eat almonds

Teach your children to eat 4 to 6 soaked almonds a day. In this way, you will help their brain develop, which is extremely important during the growth period.

Little boy

Almonds are full of folate and saturated fatty acids. They stimulate children’s memory and improve the work of their brain, making them more intelligent.

What’s more, almonds contribute to building strong bones and muscles in children.

As you can see, one healthy habit can have tons of health benefits for your little ones.

7. They protect the skin

As if the above-mentioned benefits of eating soaked almonds were not enough, they also help protect the skin thanks to the high content of vitamin E, which – as we mentioned – is a powerful antioxidant.

It is also worth making a nourishing mask of them and applying it to your face twice a week. It will help smooth wrinkles and lighten discoloration. Here’s how you can prepare it:

  • Soak a handful of almonds overnight and blend them into a smooth paste in the morning.
  • Apply the prepared mask on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, rinse the mask with lukewarm water. Your skin will look fresher immediately.

This natural almond mask not only evens out the skin tone and stimulates its cells to regenerate, but also helps smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a healthy glow.

Now that you know the many benefits of eating soaked almonds, put them in the water this evening. Let them soak for at least 8 hours and start enjoying their great health benefits.

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