An Apple – One A Day For Health!

The healing secret of apples is hidden in phytochemicals which, in addition to preventing the development of cancer, also help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
An apple - one a day for health!

The apple is called “the fruit of sin” thanks to Adam and Eve. However, this fruit should not be associated with evil. On the contrary, it is a valuable source of vital nutrients for our body.

One apple a day is enough to provide the body with a complete dose of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for the proper functioning of all organs. Today we want to present you the countless benefits that one apple a day has on our health.

Apple moves us away from drugs, but not from doctors

It is worth clarifying this issue at the beginning. “The apple distances us from drugs, but not from doctors,” is the conclusion of a study conducted by the US National Institute of Health. Indeed, one apple a day brings great benefits to our body and prevents the development of various diseases.

However, we should not live in the belief that when we eat apples regularly, we are so healthy that we do not need a doctor at all. Consultation with specialists and annual checkups cannot replace even the healthiest fruit in the world.

Remember: even the healthiest organism should undergo regular basic checkups!

Research by the US National Institute of Health

The conclusion that consuming one apple a day improves the condition of the body to the extent that we do not feel the need to take medication was confirmed by the results of 8,400 people, 10% of whom ate one apple every day.

An apple on a plate

Also, 10% of patients had to take virtually no medication for a period of 1 year (study duration). According to research team leader Matthew Davis, of the University of Michigan Department of Nursing, apple consumption was not associated with other factors, such as the number of doctor visits per year.

Another finding from the research is that people who consumed one apple a day were less likely to smoke cigarettes, and also had a higher level of education and intelligence.

Eating apples is therefore associated with a healthier lifestyle, thanks to a valuable dose of vitamin C, soluble fiber and flavonoids.

Every time of the day is suitable for an apple snack: breakfast, dessert, a snack before dinner, when we want something sweet, before bedtime, before training … Apples do not provide many calories or sugar, so they can be eaten with taste by everyone!

Reasons to eat an apple every day

  • This fruit contains a lot of water, which is why it perfectly moisturizes the body (about 80% of its composition is water).
  • It has strong diuretic properties, thanks to which it helps to remove swelling caused by excess water in the body’s tissues. In addition, due to the high potassium content, it lowers blood pressure.
  • It is a valuable source of vitamins, including vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant.
  • Due to its soluble and insoluble fiber content, apple is recommended for both treating constipation and diarrhea. In the first case, you should eat fresh fruit with the skin, and in the second – baked or in the form of compote.
  • The peel of an apple contains pectins, which are fibers that protect the intestinal mucosa. If you wash the apple thoroughly before eating it, you can eat it with the peel, which miraculously supports the digestive system.
Red apple
  • Other studies also confirm that pectins play a key role in cancer prevention, especially in colorectal cancer.
  • The healing secret of apples is hidden in phytochemicals which, in addition to preventing the development of cancer, also help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Therefore, apples are an ideal fruit for diabetics and people with high cholesterol.

Even more reasons to reach for an apple …

  • Just two apples a day help to effectively cleanse the blood of harmful substances.
  • One of the phytochemicals in apples is quercetin, which helps prevent cardiovascular problems, inflammation (such as rheumatoid arthritis), asthma and even muscle cramps.
  • This fruit also contains tartaric acid and malic acid. These substances support the digestion of consumed fats. So it is recommended to eat apples right after a heavy meal. Moreover, they prevent blood glucose from rising rapidly after meals.
  • Apples are also recommended for people who are on a diet or suffer from hunger pangs. This fruit effectively satisfies the appetite and provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. The great advantage of apples is that you can eat them practically without any restrictions!
  • It helps to lose unnecessary kilograms and provides a large dose of energy. Remember, however, that apples cannot be the only food during the day.
  • It provides our brain with healthy sugars that improve cognition. Apple is advisable before training or learning. It increases mental abilities, thanks to which we will be more productive and assimilate a lot of new information, we will improve memory and body performance.

Which apple is the best?

There are many different varieties of apples available on the market. If we were to decide which one is the healthiest, red apples are by far in the first place.

Of course, this doesn’t mean green apples are unhealthy. However, it is worth remembering that the redder the fruit (e.g. the appetizing red apple from the Bible or from the fairy tale about Snow White), the more antioxidants it contains.

Homemade apple jam

You can eat apples anytime, anywhere! Their small size makes them easy to fit even in a small purse. They are the healthiest snack. You can reach for a delicious apple during breaks at school, at work, on the beach, during a picnic or anywhere else. However, remember to always wash the fruit thoroughly.

We hope we’ve convinced you that apples are really worth eating. If you don’t have them in the fridge, go to the grocery store today and buy a few kilos. See for yourself that they will disappear in no time!

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