Anti-inflammatory Products – 7 Examples

Inflammation can come from many sources and we can treat it with anti-inflammatory drugs. However, we can also use some natural ingredient to help avoid complications. These are anti-inflammatory foods.
Anti-inflammatory products - 7 examples

Have you experienced swelling and pain? The inflammatory process consists of molecular, vascular and cellular processes that the body initiates to defend itself against external attacks. Fortunately, some anti-inflammatory foods can help improve your overall health.

In order for our body to function properly, it requires the cooperation of the following systems:

  • Nervous.
  • Immune.
  • Endocrine (which is responsible for hormones).

However, there are factors that change their reaction individually for each organism.

The reasons

  • Low in nutrients: People who don’t get enough nutrients suffer from the most severe inflammations.
  • Blood circulation problems: With poor cardiovascular health, tissue damage is much worse.
  • Hormonal status: A patient who produces excessive amounts of hormones has more complications in the event of inflammation.
  • Immunodeficiency: Diseases such as anemia make it difficult for cells and tissues to regenerate rapidly.

Therefore, it is very important that we know anti-inflammatory products and do not have to become addicted to synthetic tablets. There are plants that have the same effect and are not harmful to our health. Do you want to know what? So check out our list of natural anti-inflammatory remedies.

1. Flax seeds are anti-inflammatory

Flax seed contains large amounts of nutrients, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. It is one of the measures most often used to reduce pain in the arteries and increase the freedom of movement of an inflamed person.

Flax seeds and flowers

Thanks to the content of antioxidants, it prevents premature aging. It also helps in the absorption of vitamins and regulates hormone levels. In addition, it contains fiber that is diuretic, eliminates toxins, regulates bowel movements and reduces fluid retention.

2. Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it regulates cholesterol and blood pressure.

It helps in the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the body. When ingested, it forms an enzyme called monolaurin that has the ability to eliminate bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

It can be applied directly to the skin to reduce swelling.

Blueberries and juice are anti-inflammatory foods

3. Blueberries are also anti-inflammatory

It is believed that the nourishment of a fruit can be judged by the depth of its color; more intense color means more abundance of ingredients and thus better properties.

4. Salmon

Salmon is a luxury worth taking part in for the sake of our health. It contains protein, vitamins B12 and D, valuable minerals and fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).

Omega acids are responsible for reducing inflammation and pain.

  • Experts recommend eating salmon twice a week to help prevent degenerative and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Just 67 grams of salmon in one meal is enough.

5. Anti-inflammatory products – Celery

One of the vegetables that should not be omitted from the diet is celery. It contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C and E. In addition, it has minerals such as sodium, sulfur, silicon and fiber.


Works like:

  • Sedative
  • Antioxidant
  • Diuretic
  • Painkiller
  • Protection for the cardiovascular system
  • Laxative

All of this helps to maintain an adequate level of cholesterol. Additionally, it reduces the likelihood of a heart attack and improves blood pressure. Overall, celery cleanses the body by eliminating unnecessary fluids and reducing joint pain.

6. Shiitake mushrooms

Another example of anti-inflammatory agents is shiitake mushrooms. These mushrooms contain minerals, vitamins and macronutrients, and in addition to essential amino acids also:

  • They provide a large amount of fiber, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the intestinal flora.
  • They contain a high concentration of enzymes that turn into good antioxidants.
  • They contain vitamin D, manganese, zinc, selenium and iron.
  • Among the compounds found in them, lentinan and beta-gucan stand out, which help fight the development of cancer.

7. Avocados

Avocados contain phenolic substances that absorb cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it also has a positive effect on people who have joint problems or suffer from rheumatic diseases.

It also speeds up the metabolism. It reduces high blood pressure and blood lipids. This helps to avoid heart attacks.

Avocados are anti-inflammatory

General recommendations:

  • Reduce the amount of sugar in your diet.
  • Do physical exercise often
  • Consume more fluids
  • If you have wounds on your skin, keep the area clean
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day
  • Avoid stressful situations; remember that changes in emotions have physiological consequences.

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