Apple Cider Vinegar – 15 Unknown Uses

Apple cider vinegar - 15 unknown uses

You may have delicious apple cider vinegar in your kitchen  and only use it to flavor your food, especially vegetables. However, this is not its only advantage. Apple cider vinegar can be used not only in the kitchen, but also for cleaning and cosmetic treatments. In this article, we will introduce you to 15 interesting uses of this vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar has the sour taste and smell of apples because it is made from apples to which yeast is added. Thanks to the yeast content, the sugar in apples turns into alcohol, which then undergoes acetic fermentation.

Apple cider vinegar cleans the pipes

Apple cider vinegar in combination with baking soda cleans pipes very effectively. To clear the drain on the pipe, make a mixture of half a cup of baking soda and half a cup of table salt. Pour it into the sink and cover with apple cider vinegar (about half a cup). Then pour a glass of boiling water.

Brightens the skin

Apple cider vinegar can regulate the pH of your skin and eliminate spots and discoloration. If you want to lighten the skin and make it supple, massage your face with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.

apple cider vinegar and its uses

Eliminates warts

Kurzajki look very unsightly. If you want to get rid of them, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub it on the skin. Then put the same cotton swab over the wart, tie it with a bandage and leave it on overnight.

Fights dandruff

Apple cider vinegar washes your hair perfectly and fights dandruff. Mix water with vinegar (in equal proportions) and perform a kind of rinse, while giving a gentle massage

Improves mood

To improve your well-being, dissolve one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before each meal. The prepared preparation dissolves proteins contained in amino acids, thus producing tryptophan, responsible for the release of serotonin.

Disinfects the apartment

Vinegar is the best natural product for disinfecting and removing microorganisms. All you have to do is dissolve a glass of apple cider vinegar in three liters of water and sprinkle it on the surfaces you intend to clean.

Whitens teeth

Do you have discoloration on your teeth? Dab a little apple cider vinegar on your teeth and rinse them with water to remove discoloration and whiten enamel. You  can also use vinegar as a mouthwash: mix one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water.

apple cider vinegar whitens teeth

Speeds up the metabolism

It may seem unbelievable, but apple cider vinegar is a great weight loss remedy. It helps to speed up the metabolism by increasing the burning of calories and fat. It is enough to mix two teaspoons of vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before each meal to notice the effects after some time.

It soothes burns

Prepare a spray with vinegar and water at a ratio of 3: 1 to soothe sunburn and irritation. You will feel immediate relief.

It soothes a sore throat

Gargling with apple cider vinegar soothes inflammation. Dissolve two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 100 ml of water and drink it.

Apple cider vinegar soothes a sore throat

It has an analgesic effect

A relaxing bath with the addition of apple cider vinegar soothes aching muscles and joints, especially in the case of arthritis.

Healthy and shiny hair

Apple cider vinegar soothes hair problems, eliminates impurities in the hair and gives it shine. Rinse your hair as usual, apply a little vinegar and then conditioner.

Adds energy

Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes that help to avoid exhaustion of the body. If you need an energy boost, drink a tablespoon of vinegar dissolved in a glass of water.

Softens fabrics

It is a great alternative to fabric softeners. Moreover, cheap and ecological. It will not only make your fabrics soft, but also disinfect them perfectly.

It soothes acidity and heartburn

Drink one tablespoon of vinegar dissolved in a glass of water to combat acid reflux and heartburn.

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