Back Pain – 6 Daily Activities That Make It Worse

Back pain - 6 daily activities that make it worse

Back pain – to prevent it, try to maintain a good posture while sitting – arms pointing backwards, chin up and neck kept straight.

Back pain is one of the leading causes of disability. The excessive amount of stress we are currently living with causes us not to pay attention to the health of our spine.

Backache not only affects your health, but also limits your performance and productivity in all aspects of your life. Also, if the problem worsens, it could affect your family and social relationships.

Are you ready to find out how your daily activities cause back problems? Read on and we’ll show you the main causes as well as alternatives to avoid or reduce these problems.

Back pain may mean that you are carrying too much weight

Heavy handbags, backpacks, suitcases, and electronic devices such as laptops are one of the main culprits behind back pain. Moreover, if you adopt incorrect posture while carrying heavy objects, your spine will suffer even more.

Carrying heavy items.

To avoid back pain, remember:

  • Take only what you need and be realistic with the weight you will have to carry.
  • Instead of carrying a handbag over one shoulder, try using a backpack to distribute your weight over both shoulder blades.
  • If you have to carry a lot of things , divide the weight into two or three bags to balance the load between both shoulders.
  • If your belongings weigh too much, try using a trolley suitcase.

You lift heavy objects without bending your knees

We often pick up something that’s on the floor or put something down without bending our knees. The only end result that this error can cause is back pain or the worsening of any current pain.

To avoid this, bend your knees, keeping your back straight, as when doing squats. If you have knee problems, bend your knees carefully and never lift more than you can handle.

Also, if you have severe knee problems, ask for help.

You lead a sedentary lifestyle

Whether it’s at work or while studying, you probably spend too much time sitting down without taking any breaks. Sooner or later you will pay the price that will be back pain.

You should take a 10-minute break at least once an hour or one and a half. If you’re someone who focuses too much on the task at hand and you lose track of time, set alarms to remind you.

Also, during these 10-minute breaks, try to stand up, stretch, and do a few exercises to increase blood flow. You can go for a walk or at least take a walk in your backyard, if you have one.

You don’t have to do strenuous exercise – all you need to do is move a little.

You are sitting in the wrong posture

Do you spend most days sitting for long periods? What about your free time doing activities in which you are sitting or in a similar position? In this case, in addition to taking a 10-minute break, you should do the following:

Man with back pain.
  • Keep your back straight and fully resting on the back of the chair or chair.
  • Avoid crossing your legs and remember to sit with your legs flat on the floor.
  • Your arms should be extended backwards, your chin up and your neck straight.

If you want to bend over while active, check your posture to make sure you’re not leaning too far.

We also recommend that you use an ergonomic seat with a suitable backrest to improve your posture. If necessary, invest in ergonomic computer devices so that everything is properly adjusted to the height as well as to your hands.

You slouch while walking

Walking is one of the healthiest habits, but it is a problem if we walk hunched over all the time. Do you keep your head down looking down at the ground with your arms bent forward as you walk?

Woman with the phone.

Your posture should be natural, keep balance between all parts of your body, with your head, neck, back and legs in line. If you are not used to maintaining good posture, it may seem uncomfortable and painful at first.

Despite the initial discomfort, try to gradually change this bad habit. In a few weeks, you will find that it is easier to maintain correct posture.

Back pain? You spend too much time in your car

How much time do you spend in traffic every day? Whether you are traveling by public transport or your own car, you likely spend hours in awkward positions.

To prevent back pain from this source, we recommend that you:

  • Sit as straight as possible when driving. Remember what we mentioned are sitting in the correct position and leaning your back against the back of the chair.
  • Use a neck pillow if necessary. Some cars have a very low neck rest. If that’s the case for you, get one that is customizable. If this is not possible, buy a pillow that fits around your neck.
  • Come on as much as possible. Instead of using your car every time you need something, go for a walk. Some people take their car to go to nearby places; if it’s not too far away, choose to go there on foot.

It is possible that you are very busy with your daily life and concerns. So it is not surprising that back pain may go unnoticed at first. When you feel it, check which of the above habits applies to you and modify your behavior.

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