Back Pain – How To Save The Spine?

Correct posture is key to spine health and helps prevent back pain. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your body posture, both when sitting for hours in front of the computer, as well as when moving and standing.
Backache - how to save the spine?

Pain in the back ailment so common nowadays that it could be considered an integral part of human life. The dizzying development of new technologies is conducive to a sedentary lifestyle. And during the long hours in front of the screen of electronic devices, we do not pay attention to the correct body posture.

Back pain can make itself felt from time to time. In addition, in a form that is not too bothersome, they will turn into a chronic ailment that negatively affects the quality of our life. According to reports from the World Health Organization (WHO), one in ten people worldwide suffer from back problems.

In most cases, back pain appears spontaneously. This means they are easily relieved with an ordinary painkiller. However, it is worth realizing that such an ad hoc reaction will not fight the problem, it only allows you to forget about it for a moment.

In order to avoid pain in various parts of the spine, it is necessary to take care of the correct body posture every day, the right dose of exercise and avoid certain habits that contribute to the worsening of pain.

Learn about the habits that contribute to back pain with us today.

Weightlifting and back pain

One of the main reasons for mild back pain is that the spine is overloaded by lifting heavy objects.

Lifting heavy objects causes back pain

Already with the first “injection” you should immediately unburden the spine and ask someone for help or to carry a heavy object.

Rest and lack of exercise

While it is widely believed that rest is the best cure for lumbago as it relieves pain and build-up tension, however, according to experts, it is not the best way to remedy the situation.

Numerous studies confirm that exercise is more effective in relieving pain and preventing future back pain than rest. Appropriate movement strengthens muscles and improves blood flow to joints and vertebrae.

However, it is important to remember to monitor your body posture when practicing sports, otherwise movement may cause us more problems than benefits.

Hunching around causes back pain

As already mentioned, our spine does not like sitting still for a long time, and this is another cause of frequent back pain. We rarely manage to maintain the correct body posture, which in turn leads to unpleasant ailments.

The hunched over man

When we bend our head forward and slouch, the pressure on our joints, muscles and vertebrae increases, which in turn causes severe and unpleasant pain.

In order to prevent unpleasant symptoms, it is important to maintain a correct body posture throughout the day.


Do you know any person who does not live in constant stress and rush? There are probably few such cases, because today’s society requires us to be crazy about the pace and excellence in many aspects of our lives. So there is no time for peace and relaxation, you have to constantly rush forward.

However, it is worth realizing that the ubiquitous stress causes a strong tension in our body, which in turn manifests itself in pain around the neck, back or head.

In order to avoid this type of ailments, you should take care of the daily dose of relaxation. Various relaxation techniques, such as massages, warm baths, yoga, and Pilates are great for this.

Sport is also an invaluable ally in the fight against nerves and tension. It doesn’t matter what, it’s important that it gives you fun and allows you to break away from the stressful reality at least for a moment.

Obesity causes back pain

Genesis and unhealthy habits every day have a huge impact on obesity. Although it is much more difficult to deal with the problem in the first case, a radical change in lifestyle can help a lot.

Obesity causes back pain

Over time, excess body weight begins to affect the quality of our life and we do not mean the aesthetic aspect, but the burden that unnecessary kilograms become for various parts of our body. This pressure causes pain and inflammation.

Already reducing weight by at least 10% in the case of obesity can significantly help in the fight against recurrent back pain.

Smoking tobacco

Although smoking has little to do with the spine at first glance, it is a misconception. Regular smoking is one of the common causes of pain in the lower back.

The harmful substances contained in tobacco restrict the blood supply to the spine and negatively affect the condition of the vertebrae, causing severe pain.

Leaning your body forward

Constantly leaning your body forward increases the pressure on the vertebrae of your lower spine, which worsens your muscles and causes back pain.

To avoid this problem, it is recommended that you avoid tilting your body forward and you exercise regularly to strengthen your lower back, focusing on bending backwards.

Masking the pain

Taking painkillers and applying cold or heat treatments only relieve pain for a while. Therefore, they should not be viewed as the only method of solving a problem. Such techniques often merely “mask” the pain.

In order to eliminate back ailments and pains in 100%, regular low-intensity physical activity and proper body posture are necessary.

The most sensible solution is to consult a physiotherapist who will recommend appropriate exercises depending on the location and intensity of the pain.

If none of the above recommendations have worked for you, or if your back pain persists for more than two weeks, you should see your doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of the problem and apply the appropriate treatment.

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