Bad Mouth Odor: Features And Causes Of Halitosis

Bad smell from the mouth: features and causes of halitosis

Bad mouth odor, also called halitosis, is usually caused by poor oral hygiene. Here are some relevant answers to help you protect yourself from this problem.

Few situations are as uncomfortable and shocking as seeing yourself or someone around you see halitosis.

That is why it is important to understand its causes. Bad breath can have a profound effect on relationships, even on a person’s self-esteem.

Read on to find out what causes such bad breath and how you can get rid of it.

Bad breath: some basics about halitosis

The causes of halitosis are usually related to the condition of the oral cavity. In a study published by Medifam, it was found that 90% of halitosis cases are associated with this part of the body. In many of these cases, the problem is related to plaque build-up on the tongue.

According to a Mayo Clinic publication, other cases are associated with caries, periodontal problems, smoking, eating, and other oral, nose, or throat conditions.

In the latter case, some systemic diseases may be the cause of halitosis. Usually these are diseases of the respiratory system, digestive system, liver and kidneys. Besides, taking certain medications or given organic conditions can also play a significant role.

In fact, halitosis is not always detected by the person suffering from it, but is usually noticed by those around them. This is not a common health problem, but it can create social difficulties.

This is why, in order to properly treat bad breath, you need to find out what’s behind it. Read on to find out more about it.

Bad breath and its causes

Woman covering her mouth

Before we take a closer look at the causes of bad breath, it should be noted that scientists have recognized the action of bacteria as the main cause of halitosis. At least that was stated in the 2006 British Medical Journal.

Bacteria in the mouth inhabit places where small amounts of oxygen enter, such as the area behind the tongue. These bacteria feed on food debris that remains in the mouth, as well as dead cells and saliva particles.

Moreover, the activity of these microorganisms produces gases that we exhale when we breathe. All of them are volatile organosulfur compounds (VSCs), which means they give off quite a strong odor.

The American Dental Association believes that in order to get rid of such odors, you need to take care of proper oral hygiene. This includes brushing your teeth, tongue and the most hidden corners of the mouth. Now that we’ve highlighted it, let’s take a look at the main causes of bad breath.

Several causes of halitosis: dirty teeth and infected gums

Most people brush their teeth superficially. Therefore, you should learn good oral hygiene, including tongue and remote hygiene.

You don’t have to brush your teeth very hard. It should be done more carefully and often. All because gum infection occurs when you don’t floss when cleaning. You have to help with it to remove any food residues that may have gone unnoticed.

It is also recommended to go to the dentist for check-ups at least twice a year.

Tongue raid

Sometimes the tongue is covered with a whitish or yellowish bloom. The thesis presented at the Universidad de las Americas suggests that it occurs due to a build-up of bacteria or food debris as a result of poor oral hygiene. Sometimes it is also a symptom of digestive system diseases.

To prevent this or other problems from occurring, you need to gently clean the tongue using a soft-bristled toothbrush, trying to clean the entire surface of it. It’s worth cleaning it as thoroughly as you can, but don’t go too far, because you can provoke a gag reflex.

Dry mouth

The person sticking out the tongue

Saliva is essential for the removal of bacteria that cover the teeth, gums and tongue. However, sometimes certain circumstances lead to the onset of dry mouth syndrome, creating an environment in which bacteria can multiply and leading to bad breath.

Your lips dry out when you don’t eat regularly and your stomach remains empty for too long. This is why you need to eat often and make sure you have snacks between meals if you need to.

In addition, stress and anxiety can also lead to decreased saliva production, as shown in a recent study in a dental journal.


There is a widespread myth that frequent use of mouthwash can prevent mouth odor from developing. However, this is not true.

While rinsing your mouth does leave an odorous aftertaste in your mouth immediately after using the liquid, the excess can irritate your mucous membranes. Therefore, it is best to use it in moderate amounts.

If you care about feeling fresh, rinse your mouth with water and a few drops of peppermint oil. Research published in Revista Odontológica Mexicana found that mouthwashes with other essential oils also have beneficial effects.

Bad breath and other causes that should be avoided

As we noted earlier, bad breath can be triggered by many factors. One is smoking, as confirmed by numerous studies such as that published in the  Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences .

Among other factors, we also find the use of certain medications and infections of the mouth, nose or throat. In any of these cases, you should consult a doctor who can diagnose the problem. A specialist should be able to choose a treatment that suits your needs.

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