Banana Pancakes Without Gluten, Sugar And Lactose

Even if we do not have food allergies, the banana pancakes we present are an excellent, healthy alternative that will help us stay fit without giving up everything that is sweet.
Banana pancakes without gluten, sugar and lactose

It is not easy to find a recipe for a healthy and sweet dessert. The difficulty level increases even more when we want to adapt our menu to certain food intolerances and allergies. If you can’t eat flour, sugar and dairy products, for example, dishes like pancakes appear to be practically unavailable.

It turns out, however, that there is a solution. In this article, we will share with you a recipe for pancakes that are easy to make and delicious. They appeal to everyone and are good for people who do not eat gluten, sugar and lactose.

Healthy sweets do exist – it could be pancakes, for example!

Usually, when we savor sweets, we feel remorse and regret, because we know perfectly well that they are not very healthy.

However, any kind of balanced diet should allow us to take advantage of some culinary quirks from time to time. Eating should not be a source of frustration, but of well-being  in every sense of the word.

The solution to this situation is to create recipes that can replace ingredients that do not digest well or are less healthy for ingredients that are lighter, nutritious and tasty. Such food does not have to be boring or monotonous at all.

Pancakes for everyone

For most people, pancakes are one of the best snacks. There are different recipes. Pancakes can be eaten sweet or salty and can be combined with many types of food, making them perfect for any time of the day.

Pancakes with strawberries

This time we decided to present a sweet version that we can eat as breakfast, snack or dessert without remorse. You may be wondering how it is possible for banana pancakes to be free of products like gluten, flour, sugar, and milk.

Find out in this article as well as learn more about these three food ingredients for which more and more alternatives are being made. Many people choose to do so for health reasons.


Gluten, which is a protein found in certain grains, such as wheat, is increasingly known around the world. This is because the number of people who show adverse reactions after eating it is increasing.

For people with celiac disease, these are really severe allergic reactions, while others show varying degrees of intolerance, suffering from problems such as bloating, heartburn, skin ailments, etc. after consuming gluten.

There are now gluten-free alternatives made from rice, corn, soybeans, cassava, potatoes, and more. The problem is that most of the products mentioned are very expensive and out of reach for most of us.


Although it was once hailed as a culinary treasure, today white sugar is an ingredient considered to be empty, unhealthy calories. It does not bring us any useful nutrients and is detrimental to health.

Brown and white sugar

We can find healthy alternatives such as brown cane sugar, stevia, honey, agave or molasses syrup, or maple syrup or cereal and fruit sugars, for example.


The other most frequently mentioned source of intolerance today is lactose. It is present not only in dairy products, but in many processed products.

As an alternative to lactose derived from milk or drinks, yoghurts, and other foods, you can choose foods made from grains and nuts, such as oats, rice, almonds, coconuts, and more.

Banana pancakes – recipe

Here’s how to make these simple banana pancakes from a few ingredients without spending more than a few minutes.

Bananas and eggs for pancakes


To make two small or one large pancake you need the following ingredients:

  • Banana, preferably very ripe.
  • Egg.
  • A few drops of vanilla extract or a pinch of cinnamon or ginger, depending on your preference.

This recipe does not require any additional sweetening, as ripe bananas are high in sweeteners on their own.

However, if you want them to be even sweeter, you can add a few drops of stevia extract or any of our healthy alternatives to white sugar.


To prepare this simple recipe, follow these steps:

  • Beat the egg until it is foamy, just like when making an omelette.
  • Add sweetener, vanilla and spices (optional).
  • Add the ripe banana and knead it with a fork until all the ingredients are well combined.
  • Heat the pan over high heat, adding a few drops of olive oil and coconut oil to it. Then make pancakes by frying them on both sides until golden brown.
  • We can eat them alone or add a little chocolate (without milk).
  • To fully enjoy their texture and taste, eat them when they are hot.

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