Be FIT Without Leaving Home, Thanks To These Exercises

Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise – it’s time to break this closed cycle! With these exercises you will get back in shape for the summer, without leaving your home
Be FIT without leaving your home thanks to these exercises

Do you still have the impression that a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on your health and figure? Now there are no more excuses – be fit tomorrow! Take up the challenge and try out these simple exercises in the comfort of your home. You will see, you will quickly become fitter and in a better mood. Stay fit without an expensive gym membership!

Responsibility for a heavy workload and a general lack of time are the perfect excuses for a sedentary lifestyle. Despite the warnings we hear about the effects of inactivity, some of us are still unable to devote even a little time to exercise.

The problem is that many people think that a healthy lifestyle is the same as going to the gym to get in shape. In fact, you only need discipline and a change of mentality to start exercising.

It is needed more than specialized machines and equipment in the gym. In fact, with just a few minutes of exercise, you can complete a complete training routine, help you fight excess weight, and strengthen your muscles.

In this article, we share a simple training plan. This plan takes little time and can be carried out in any room of your own home. Stay fit, even without a special room and equipment.

Interested in such a proposal? Let’s get started!

Stay fit at home – exercise plan

The plan we’re talking about today is based on exercising at intervals of maximum intensity. In other words, instead of exercising for hours and hours, we will only exercise 15 to 20 minutes at the maximum level of exertion. This way you will save a lot of time.

While we should generally try to invest more time in the beginning and start exercising at a slower pace, our goal is to get the most out of every minute as soon as we increase physical resistance.

Jumping rope

  • Cardiovascular (aerobic) activity is ideal for warming up before starting more strenuous exercise.
  • Jump rope 50 or 70 times (or as many times as you can).
the woman is jumping rope


  • Squats focus on working out the lower body zones: buttocks and legs.
  • They are also great for burning excess fat and building muscle by creating physical resistance.
  • Standing with your legs apart at shoulder width, bend your knees and do a squat.
  • Make sure you don’t bend over your toes while squatting, and that your knees are pointing outward, not inward.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Stomach muscles

  • There are many positions for exercising the abdominal muscles. However, for a simple and effective exercise, we suggest a “bike exercise” to get in shape at home.
  • Lie flat on your back with your arms behind the nape of your neck while stretching your legs outward.
  • Raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. Try to touch the opposite elbow with your knee.
  • Switch sides with each leg and do as many repetitions as you can in 30 seconds.
abdominal muscles exercise


  • The sternum is an exercise to strengthen your buttocks and abdomen at the same time. In addition, it is great for combating recurring back pain.
  • Lie flat on your back with your arms outstretched on each side, bend your knees and lift your pelvis towards the ceiling.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds and then rest.
  • Do 3 repetitions.


  • Push-ups have been recognized for years as one of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the arms and upper body.
  • Lie on your stomach and lift your body on tiptoe with your hands separated at shoulder length.
  • Raise and lower the body slowly, not letting your body fall to the ground abruptly.
  • If it’s too hard for you, support yourself by using your knees as a fulcrum instead of your feet.
  • Do 3 sets of exercises of 10 repetitions.
woman doing push-ups


  • The plank is a great exercise because, in addition to promoting muscle work in the abdomen, it also strengthens all other muscle groups.
  • Support yourself on the floor with your forearms and toes as you pull them up to raise your body.
  • Stock up on your stomach and make sure your back is straight and stable.
  • Hold your body in the position for 30 seconds, clenching your buttocks and stomach.
  • Do 2 or 3 repetitions.

Quick leg changes in lunges

  • Lunging leg changes are similar to regular lunges, but require more cardiovascular effort. So in addition to your muscles, you also exercise your heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Get into a lunge position with one leg in front and the other leg behind.
  • Lower your hind leg as if you want to touch the floor with your knee.
  • Instead of moving slowly like lunging, jump to change the position of the legs.
  • Do this exercise for 20 or 30 seconds.

Final remarks

Exercising consistently at least 3 times a week is a great way to stay fit. However, it is important that your diet is balanced. You should also move more every day – choose stairs instead of an elevator, walk instead of traveling by car if possible.

Stay fit - a healthy diet is essential.

Stay fit- it’s not that hard. Small changes in habits every day are enough:

  • Eat healthier meals, control your caloric intake a little, and try to get all the nutrients you need.
  • Avoid “miracle diets” that are too low in calories – they will slow down your metabolism.
  • Drink more water and natural, low-calorie drinks – teas, fruit juices, etc.
  • Limit your intake of saturated fat, white sugar, and refined flour.
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Allow enough time to relax and practice relaxation techniques to avoid stress buildup – why not try yoga?

Are you still stuck in a sedentary lifestyle? Now there are no more excuses! Take up the challenge and try these exercises at home. See how good it is to be physically and mentally better. Stay fit this summer

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