Black Tea – 6 Wonderful Medicines You Need To Know

Did you know that black tea is one of the best infusions you can consume every day? In combination with other ingredients, it increases our immunity, as it strengthens the immune system.
Black tea - 6 wonderful remedies you need to know

Black tea is a medicinal drink that has been used since ancient times and is very popular today in many cultures.

The intense flavor and dark color hide many beneficial properties, including the richness of antioxidants, stimulating effect or diuretic effect.

In this article, you will discover 6 combinations of this drink with other medicinal ingredients. You will see how black tea enhances its therapeutic value after mixing it with certain plants. Try these recipes to get rid of a variety of mild disorders!

Black tea in home remedies

1. Lemon antioxidant

Jug and black tea.

Black tea stands out as an antioxidant drink due to its flavonoid content. These ingredients help us prevent aging and fight the symptoms caused by free radicals, both inside and outside the body.

Black tea with lemon is one of the most common combinations, both flavored and medicinal. Lemon is a food that also delays cellular oxidation due to its vitamin C content.

In addition, if you want to sweeten this infusion, we recommend using stevia to further enhance its antioxidant properties.

2. Digestive remedy with mint

Black tea drunk after a meal is a good medicine to aid digestion. Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, it is very effective in preventing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Additionally, we can combine our tea with dried mint leaves or fresh mint, as is done in many Arab countries. This blend, in addition to being delicious, enhances the digestive properties of the tea even more.

However, we do not recommend drinking tea with a meal if you suffer from anemia, as black tea may interfere with iron absorption. In this case, we will always drink it outside of meals.

3. Sugar lowering agent, if used with stevia

In order to prevent and treat this condition, and thus also prevent diabetes, we should eat foods that help us lower blood glucose levels. One of them is black tea, which has exceptional power when it comes to reducing sugar levels.

It is logical, however, that we should avoid sweetening it with sugar, because in that case we would make the sugar imbalance even worse.

The best way to add sweets to tea is through stevia, a plant that also lowers sugar.

4. A stimulant with cinnamon and honey

Black tea is a stimulating drink and is even the most caffeinated drink. For this reason, by drinking this infusion, we activate our body and mind to be more alert and mindful. In addition, we can also drink it if we want to balance low blood pressure.

Tea with cinnamon.

Caffeine, however, has a quick but limited effect. For this reason, we recommend combining black tea with Ceylon cinnamon and honey.

Both of these ingredients are stimulants that do not have a harmful effect on the nervous system. Instead, they provide us with energy and naturally fight physical and mental exhaustion.

5. Amplifier with turmeric and coconut milk

If we need to strengthen our immune system and raise the body’s defenses, we can also use black tea. However, we recommend combining it with two very effective medicinal ingredients: turmeric and coconut milk.

The result of this blend is a fortifying drink that activates our metabolism, warms us up and helps prevent all kinds of infections. Moreover, its taste is delicious, whether we drink it cold or hot.

In this case, black tea should first be brewed with turmeric. Then, after a few minutes, we can add coconut milk and sweeten to taste with honey or stevia.

6. Diuretic with anise

The last remedy we propose in this article is for people who suffer from fluid retention, edema, heaviness and inflammation, and various types of swelling.

Black tea combined with anise takes on a delicate, pleasant aroma. But most of all, we get a healing drink with diuretic properties. Thanks to its use, we increase the production of urine and remove excess fluid and toxins from our body.

For best results, this drink is best drunk on an empty stomach or between meals. We can drink two or three cups a day, at lunchtime and in the afternoon, and the results will be noticeable in the following hours.

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