Bleeding From The Nose – Natural Remedies

Bleeding from the nose - natural remedies

Bleeding from the nose, also known as epistaxis, is a fairly common condition that can occur at even the most unexpected times. It can be very disturbing, especially because a small amount of blood may seem so much more.

K rwawienie nose  in most cases is not a sign of anything serious (the most common cause them injuries, allergies, nasal problems, or blood vessels in the nose). Read on for some natural ways to combat it.

Bleeding from the nose – the most common causes

Bleeding from the nose can occur when the lining of the nose dries out and hardens, thereby starting to rupture and bleed. The same condition is common in people taking anticoagulants and in the elderly whose blood clotting is much less.

Woman with a handkerchief

Here are other factors that trigger a nosebleed:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Puffing your nose too vigorously.
  • Nose Injury.
  • Low air humidity.
  • Nasal allergies.
  • Great heights.
  • Taking drugs.
  • Calcium deficiency.
  • Hypertension.

How to stop nose bleeding?

Ice cubes for nosebleeds

When you notice your nose bleeding, the first thing you should do is sit upright and lean forward. An upright body position reduces pressure in the veins, while a tilted body position stops blood from entering the throat.

You can also follow the recommendations below:

  • Salt water: make a saline solution by mixing a pinch of salt in a glass of water, then inject it into the nasal cavity using a nasal pear.
  • Lemon: Place one or two drops in the affected nostril bleeding.
  • Vinegar: Soak a piece of sterile gauze in vinegar, then place it in your nose for 10 minutes.
  • Cold cloth: place the cold cloth at the end of the nose. This way you will cause the veins to tighten and stop the bleeding.
  • Ice: Ice cubes are also effective in stopping nosebleeds. Just put them in your nostrils for a few minutes.
  • A damp towel:  place a damp towel over your head to quickly slow down bleeding.
  • Nose blowing Gently blow your nose to expel any blood clots that may be impeding its proper flow.

How can I avoid nosebleeds?

Bleeding from the nose can be a very irritating problem, so it’s important to prevent it. Here are some tips that may be useful to you:

Juices and fruits
  • If you suffer from or have suffered from nosebleeds, drink 8 glasses of water a day. In this way, you will ensure adequate moisture of the inner wall of the nose.
  • Limit the use of air conditioning. It dries out natural air, which increases the likelihood of a nosebleed.
  • Rub the inside of the nose with a little petroleum jelly or a little salt solution. This will keep it moist. This is especially important and effective for sinusitis and the common cold.
  • Try not to blow your nose too vigorously.
  • Put small amounts of vitamin E on the inside of your nose to moisturize it. Just soak a cotton ball in a few drops of oil and put it in your nostrils.
  • Increase the amount of vitamin C you eat, which is essential for strengthening the capillary walls. Vitamin C is also an important component of collagen, a substance that creates a moist protective coating inside your nose. 

When should you see a doctor?

Rarely, nose bleeds are a sign of something serious. However, if it occurs fairly frequently, it’s important to see your doctor. Only in this way can you rule out serious health problems, such as leukemia or blood disorders.

You should see your doctor immediately if your nose bleeds last 20 minutes, is intense, or caused by an impact or trauma.

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