Blood Circulation – Improve It And Thus Reduce Fluid Retention In The Body!

Both regular exercise and getting enough rest are necessary to help prevent fluid retention and improve blood circulation. Find out more!
Blood circulation - improve it and thus reduce fluid retention in the body!

Swelling resulting from fluid retention in the body and abnormal blood circulation  have become more frequent problems in recent years. Fluid retention, while not considered a disease in itself, can lead to more serious problems such as kidney failure and arthritis.

It occurs when fluids are retained in the body’s tissues, causing inflammation and problems with the lymphatic system and abnormal blood circulation .

Swelling of the limbs is the most common symptom, and other symptoms include pain, fatigue, and difficulty in certain movements. The good news is that some healthy habits help prevent this problem.

Today we want to share with you seven such habits.

1. Drink more water to improve blood circulation

While many people find it difficult to drink enough water, keep in mind that this is one of the most effective ways to prevent inflammation and fluid retention in your tissues.

A woman drinking a glass of water

Water will not increase the amount of fluid in your body, quite the contrary. Supports kidney function and stimulates the removal of excess fluid through urination.

The cleansing and diuretic properties of the water also improve blood circulation. They help to eliminate residual substances from the blood that can cause abnormalities.

2. Reduce your salt intake

Accumulation of sodium causes an imbalance in electrolytes and promotes inflammation. Therefore, you should limit the consumption of salt as a seasoning, and remember that large amounts of it are found, among others, in in the following products:

  • sausage
  • canned food and canned products
  • salad dressings
  • popcorn
  • fried food and snacks
  • cheeses

3. Avoid tight clothing as it negatively affects blood circulation

It is quite fashionable to wear tight clothes these days, and people are unaware of the consequences. While it may seem harmless, pressure on the body negatively affects blood circulation and the processes that help remove fluid from the body.

tight pants

Therefore, looser clothes that do not constrict the body are much better for health.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is an ideal way to help prevent fluid retention and other related health conditions. The movements performed during such activity improve the functioning of the blood circulation and the lymphatic system. Thanks to this, the elimination of unnecessary residues and liquids is promoted.

Exercise also benefits the kidneys by increasing urine production and strengthening the urinary tract.

5. Boost your circulation

Daily massages and cold baths are a simple way to improve blood circulation. Problems with fluid retention in the body are often associated with inadequate blood circulation, although it is easy to confuse it with other conditions.

Calf massage improves blood circulation

Therefore, measures should be taken to help restore and prevent blood circulation to an appropriate condition.

6. Sleep properly

Adequate quality of sleep helps prevent swelling and inflammation. During this time the muscles relax and the blood circulation is easier. Additionally, cleansing processes are carried out in your body.

Sleep helps to reduce fluid retention in the body and increases energy levels.

7. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily provides the body with a wealth of benefits that can help relieve fluid retention.

Woman eating a salad

High in antioxidants, water, fiber and other ingredients, it improves kidney function and helps to get rid of debris. This, in turn, improves the control of high blood pressure, muscle ailments and other conditions related to fluid retention.

Are you concerned about fluid retention or poor blood circulation? Try these simple tips!

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