Blood Sugar Level – 5 Stabilizing Products

To eliminate the so-called sugar spikes, we can add these products to our favorite recipes. In this way, you can easily balance the amount of sugar delivered to the body and reduce the negative effects caused by its consumption.
Blood sugar level - 5 stabilizing products

Blood sugar is an indicator that many people around the world have to monitor because of their health. We know that a fully healthy body naturally maintains an adequate level of sugar in the blood. But when someone has diabetes, for example, the process is disrupted.

Even people who have not yet been diagnosed with diabetes have excessively high levels of glucose, which seems much worrying. This has an impact on quality of life, although in many cases the cause of high blood glucose remains unknown.

By reading this article, you will learn, first of all, which products added to your diet will help you maintain adequate blood sugar levels naturally.

Elevated blood sugar levels?

Why does our body experience a situation where the sugar level rises?

One of the most important reasons is eating too much, or for too long, foods with a high glycemic index. It is these food products that are responsible for the colloquially called sugar spikes.

What products are among those that increase our blood sugar level? These are mainly simple carbohydrate products. Such as sugar, bread, cookies, sweets, cakes and pies, as well as sweet fruits.

If we do not have elevated glucose levels, we do not have to be afraid of eating sweet fruit in any way. However, when it comes to the other products mentioned, which do not bring us much use, it is best to limit or completely eliminate them from our menu.

Cake with cream

There are also no contraindications for eating complex carbohydrates. Why? Because they are digested and fully assimilated in a much longer time. They also add energy and do not cause sugar spikes. These include, among others: wholemeal grains, vegetables, sweet potatoes, etc.

What should you know …

  • To avoid a sugar spike when you eat something sweet, also eat complex carbohydrates that will neutralize any sugar spike. It can be apple, salad, vegetable cream soup or wholemeal rice.
  • Raw foods tend to provide a balance in glucose levels, unlike cooked or pre-cooked foods, which can sometimes elevate blood sugar levels. So choose your products wisely and always serve at least a little bit of raw vegetables.
  • People with occasional hunger attacks or a sudden urge to eat something sweet should start checking their blood sugar levels.

The above information, as well as a short list of products recommended for consumption, will help you lose weight, i.e. achieve something that seems usually very difficult.

1. Cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon contains numerous properties beneficial to health, the proper functioning of the digestive system, and also helps regulate the blood sugar level.

Cinnamon sticks

We can drink it as an infusion, and also as a spice used in served desserts. In this way, we will effectively neutralize the side effects that sweets cause in our bloodstream.

2. Stevia

Stevia is a plant native to Paraguay that is commonly used as a natural sweetener. Many people reach for it mainly because it has no calories. And in this case, it can be used in many ways.

You can make an infusion of its leaves or obtain a pure extract, which is dark in color, and add it to juices, lemonade, tea or other infusions that we are used to drinking.

3. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast is a great dietary supplement that not only works well for overall health, but is also highly recommended when you want to strengthen your skin, hair or nails. These products, among many other properties, also effectively regulate the functioning of the nervous system and blood sugar levels.

Brewer’s yeast should be drunk twice a day for several consecutive days, and then rested. We can also repeat the entire treatment as needed.

4. Oatmeal

Many people have the habit of eating oatmeal as part of a nutritious breakfast. Very good. Good porridge not only provides us with a solid dose of energy, especially in the morning, but also protects the body against unwanted sugar spikes.


Oatmeal is also a rich source of fiber, as well as saturated fats, which reduce the process of insulin secretion in short periods of time. Moreover, it is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

You can eat oatmeal infused with water or oat milk, add to vegetable creams, and also to cocktails. Oatmeal also works very well as an ingredient in many home-made desserts.

5. Peas

Peas are also known as vegetable insulin. Not only does it contain a very low amount of sugar. But it also has the ability to balance the glucose curve after eating. That is, at a time when blood sugar levels may rise.

For this reason, not only is it good to eat peas regularly. But it would also be good to get into the habit of adding it to the various dishes we prepare. Especially to those that can cause sugar spikes. In addition, peas are a rich source of protein, fiber and are one of the most easily digestible vegetables.

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