Bone Pain – Deal With It Naturally!

Bone pain - deal with it naturally!

Bone pain is an ailment that accompanies people especially in adulthood. It can be caused by many factors: nutrient deficiency, bone wear, injuries or fractures.

Bone pain accompanies a huge number of people around the world. It may be pain in only one bone or their complex, but most often it affects the limbs, hands, feet, heels, etc.

Pain in the bones occurs independently of joints and muscles, and there can be many causes. Fortunately, it is a condition that can be successfully treated with natural remedies.

Bone pain – the most common causes

  • During the growth of children and adolescents, bone pain is completely normal.
  • Bone pain is often associated with colds and flu.
  • Osteoporosis is a serious cause of bone pain. It should be treated under the supervision of a specialist doctor. In this case, the bones – due to a lack of nutrients – demineralise and become very fragile.
Bones and osteoporosis
  • Bone marrow inflammation or bone infections.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • During the menopause, bones become weaker and the risk of developing osteoporosis increases.
  • Bone cancer or any other type of cancer that affects the bones in the process.
  • Bone injuries or fractures.
  • Osteoarthritis and arthritis.
  • Leukemia.
  • Anemia.

How do you soothe bone pain naturally?

Whatever the cause of your bone pain, there are a number of tips you can use to relieve discomfort naturally and improve your quality of life.

Improve your diet

The first thing you should do is determine if your daily diet is healthy for the body and is not deficient in essential nutrients. If possible, eliminate animal fats and increase your consumption of raw and steamed vegetables instead.

Avoid eating sugar and white flour – they flush minerals from your body, especially calcium from your bones.

Fight constipation


Frequent constipation can also cause bone pain. If this applies to you, you should make sure you have regular bowel movements and cleanse the intestines regularly. Fruit cocktails or large amounts of papaya “sweep” all harmful substances out of the intestines.

Take care of a restorative rest

Regenerating rest plays a key role in the prevention and treatment of bone pain. Try to sleep 8 hours a day. And if bone pain is already bothering you, avoid strenuous exercise.

Dietary supplements

If you tease bone pain or other problem related, you should increase your intake of calcium and vitamins D, A and C.

You can do this by taking dietary supplements or by introducing foods rich in these nutrients into your daily menu, such as citrus, carrots, celery, almonds, nuts, chia seeds, fish, etc.

Choose the relaxation technique that’s right for you

Relaxing yoga

Bone pain is widely related to stress. Be sure to find a moment to relax every day and choose the relaxation technique that is right for you, which will help you get rid of negative emotions.

Natural remedies to relieve bone pain

In addition to the above tips, it is also worth using natural remedies that will help you relieve bone pain.

A special diet

It doesn’t matter if your bone pain is the result of a bone infection, arthritis, severe flu, being overweight or for any other cause, you can relieve pain by following a special diet for two days.

It consists in consuming only pineapple or grapes with seeds for two days. Additionally, start the day with two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil. Don’t forget to provide your body with plenty of water throughout the day.

After completing your diet, include fresh vegetables, whole grain rice, fish, chia seeds, brewer’s yeast, and plant-based milk in your daily diet.

Ginger infusion

Ginger infusion

Ginger has a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it perfectly relieves bone pain. This miraculous root improves the condition of the joints and helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from them, which can lead to the aggravation of unpleasant ailments.

How to prepare the infusion? Put a teaspoon of grated ginger in a cup and then pour boiling water. Leave to infuse for 5 minutes. Drink three times a day.


Nettle is a plant with diuretic properties that stimulate the removal of excess fluid accumulated in the joints. This fluid can cause bone pain.

Prepare a decoction of the dry nettle root by boiling it in water for 10 minutes. Drink three cups of infusion a day.

Juice to ease bone pain

The juice below helps soothe bone pain naturally thanks to its high level of calcium, vitamins A, B, C and E, magnesium and potassium.


  • 8 strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons of orange juice
  • 2/3 cup of fortified soy milk

A method of preparing

  • Wash the strawberries thoroughly and then put them in a blender along with the rest of the ingredients. Blend and drink with taste!

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