Callus – Home Remedies To Remove

To avoid the appearance of calluses, you should thoroughly dry your feet and stop wearing tight shoes. If you have it on your hands, it is important to keep them well moisturized at all times.
Callus - home remedies for removal

If you do not properly care for your body, it is immediately visible in the form of an emerging problem. The affected areas of the body are visible to the casual observer. One of these inconveniences is the callus.

Calluses are thickened layers of skin that are responsible for protecting the area where friction or pressure has taken its toll. They can affect the hands or feet and are very common among people of all ages.

One thing needs to be clarified: there is nothing to be afraid of. This type of problem is not serious and can almost always be resolved with home remedies. Just follow the tips we share with you today and you will surely see an improvement.

1- Moisturizing to eliminate calluses

Find an appropriately sized container in which to dip your callus hand or foot. Pour boiling water into the container and sprinkle the chamomile flowers. When the liquid has cooled down, soak your feet or hands in it for 10 minutes. This will dissolve the callus and you can easily remove it.

2-Natural acids

Cut the lemon into slices and put them on the places where the calluses are, then wrap them with a cloth so that they do not move. The acids in citrus will help remove calluses, but it will take a little longer than with chamomile treatment. We recommend leaving the compresses overnight.

lemon for corns

Be careful and do not expose these places to the sun. The sun’s rays can stain the skin and leave ugly marks as a result.

3-A mixture of water and baking soda

You can make a paste using warm water and baking soda. Typically only three teaspoons of baking soda should be used for each cup of water. Once you get the consistency you want, apply the paste on the callus. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off.

4- Easy and homemade spreads

If you have some garlic and olive oil at home, you can make an ointment to fix this problem. Take a clove of garlic and mash it with olive oil. As with lemon slices, it will take longer to see the effects, so leave this spread overnight.

garlic good for calluses


This is a treatment that requires patience. Onion is a vegetable that has anti-inflammatory properties. It is perfect if you have a problem with calluses. Cut the onion in half and apply the halves to the required areas.

It will take some time, but if you are patient it will have positive results.

6- White vinegar

This is another ingredient that contains acids to help solve the problem. Mix the white vinegar with water and moisten the callus. Cover the place and leave it overnight. In the morning, try to wipe it off. Then clean the area and check the effects.

white vinegar helps with corns


Nettle is a plant that is often used in alternative medicine for its anti-inflammatory properties. This is no exception when it comes to removing calluses. By using nettle you can get rid of them completely.

Mix the nettles with hot water until you get a paste. Put on callus, cover and leave for a few hours.

Calendula is another plant that is perfect for treating this problem. You can prepare a paste as with the nettle and apply in the same way.

Callus – how to prevent

You can follow a few simple rules to prevent these unwanted guests from appearing on your skin. When you buy shoes, make sure that they are not too tight.

As calluses can also appear on your hands, it’s important to keep them moisturized constantly. Use moisturizing creams after bathing.

You should also avoid putting certain things on your hands and feet:

  • Abrasives that create a lot of pressure
  • Do not dry these areas completely
  • Always wear the same shoes and gloves

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