Can I Give Goat Milk To Children?

Goat’s milk contains a lot of protein with high biological value, and at the same time has less fat than cow’s, so it is easier to digest.
Can you give goat milk to children?

Goat’s milk is a healthy product. It contains protein with high biological value and other nutrients that support the proper development of the body. However, many people wonder if it is healthy and safe to give goat milk to a baby.

It is worth emphasizing that dairy products are an important part of the diet. Although there is a lot of debate about it today, scientific research confirms its positive effects on health.

Goat’s milk and its benefits

Let’s delve into the subject of goat’s milk, starting with highlighting its scientifically proven benefits.

Supports muscle development

Goat’s milk contains very high quality protein. It has a high biological value due to the presence of all amino acids and good digestibility.

Scientific evidence shows that  proteins are essential to ensure proper muscle function  and prevent tissue degeneration. If the demand for them is not met, the risk of sarcopenia increases.

Milk is a source of valuable protein.

Increases bone density

In addition to the protein content, goat’s milk is characterized by the presence of calcium in its composition. It is essential for bone health.

Consuming calcium during adolescence reduces the risk of fractures in adulthood and lowers the risk of developing osteoporosis. This is what a study published in Nutrients says  . 

It is easy to digest

Goat’s milk contains less fat than cow’s milk. Therefore, it is easier to digest. This is not to say that fat is harmful to health.

However, fatty foods take longer to digest and can cause discomfort, as research has shown.

Goat's milk contains less fat than cow's milk.

From what age can goat milk be given to a child?

You can give your baby goat’s milk instead of cow’s milk, but you have to postpone it a bit. Failure to do so may result in allergies or intolerances. Pediatricians advise  against giving this product before the age of 12 months,  although some say it can be started a little earlier.

Keep in mind that goat’s milk contains a lot of minerals. Therefore, it can be too aggressive for immature kidneys.

Recipes for children based on goat’s milk

Currently, there are children’s formulas based on goat’s milk available on the market. They can be an alternative to cow’s milk if it causes gas and digestive discomfort. Goat’s milk is easier to digest, hence reducing symptoms.

Either way,  it’s a good idea to consult your pediatrician before deciding to give this type of milk. It is also good to look at the nutritional values ​​and check whether a given product does not contain a large amount of simple sugars in the composition.

Side effects of drinking goat’s milk

The greatest risk of giving goat’s milk to children is an allergic reaction to the proteins in it. A combined allergy to cow’s and goat’s milk proteins can occur. It is therefore possible that no product will be suitable for a child.

In addition,  no other side effects of giving goat milk to babies have been reported,  as long as they are done after the age of 12 months. There may only be some digestive problems, such as gas.

Goat’s milk for a toddler

As already mentioned, it is worth considering including goat’s milk in your child’s diet after they are 12 years old. This product is easier to digest than cow’s milk. It has a high nutritional value, contains a lot of protein and minerals such as calcium.

Moreover, its lipid profile is healthy, although it also contains saturated fatty acids. However, their concentration is lower than in cow’s milk.

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