Cancer – Learn A Medicine Better Than Chemotherapy

Cancer - learn a cure better than chemotherapy

Cancer  is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Even more disturbing is the fact that more and more different types of tumors are discovered. Modern medicine is constantly evolving, especially over the last decades, and many treatments have been developed to combat this disease.

Cancer , however, still beats many people who are resistant to its many treatments.

While chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used treatments for cancer, there are also alternative therapies that are showing great promise. These therapies should not be used as a complete replacement for, but can be used in addition to, standard treatments.

Remember that the following treatments do not work for everyone, and their effectiveness largely depends on how advanced the cancer is. 

Cancer and dandelion tea

One of the alternative treatments for such a serious disease as cancer is the use of dandelion. The roots of this plant are very popular all over the world for its many health benefits.

They make it possible to fight diseases such as cancer faster – they are even thought to be up to 100 times more effective than chemotherapy. Dandelion tea causes the breakdown of cancer cells within 48 hours of its consumption. 

Dandelion, also known as dandelion, is a plant that has been ignored for many years, but is now known to have remarkable healing properties, so keep it in your garden. In ancient times, dandelion was used to prepare syrup and infusion to combat various health problems.

Dandelion tea

Nowadays, however, it is known that the benefits it offers are much greater. For example, when it comes to diseases like cancer, dandelion root is very good at dealing with it.

Scientists who have studied this plant have found that its root works better than chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer. Dandelion root only affects cancer cells, leaving healthy cells intact, which cannot be said about chemotherapy.

Dandelion  has diuretic properties, stimulates the production of bile, cleanses the liver, fights allergies and lowers cholesterol. It contains vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, folic acid and magnesium.

It also contains up to 535% of the required daily dose of vitamin K and about 110% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin A.

Dandelion tea – what does cancer do?

Research conducted at the University of Windsor (Canada) has shown that  dandelion root can effectively fight off cells that are attacked by cancer without damaging healthy cells. 

This is great news in the medical world because, according to the results, tea from the root of this plant only affects cancer cells, causing them to break down within 48 hours, leaving the cells intact that the cancer has not attacked.

The study also found that continued use  of dandelion tea is an effective treatment  for cancer and can destroy all cancer cells, giving patients hope to get rid of the cancer completely. 

Such promising results provided the research team with additional support to continue their research on this perhaps miracle plant.

Dandelion tea

John di Carlo, a 72-year-old patient, is convinced of the dandelion’s excellent healing and anti-cancer properties. He underwent intensive and aggressive chemotherapy treatment for three years, but the cancer still did not give up.

After this time, the doctors only advised him to return home so that he could spend his last days with his family. Hoping for a better tomorrow, Di Carlo decided to turn to alternative medicine. Reaching for something that could overcome his disease, he discovered dandelion tea, which is said to be not afraid of even cancer.

After four months, the severity of the disease had decreased and the patient was completely cured, according to Natural News.

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