Carrot – 7 Reasons To Love It

Did you know that carrots are not only an ally of your skin, but also of your eyesight and health?
Carrots - 7 reasons to love them

Carrots  are one of the products most often used in kitchens around the world. It originally comes from Central Asia, but today it is grown in many different countries. The unique taste of carrots makes it possible to use it in the preparation of many different dishes; from soups to purées to desserts.

Carrots  are not only a tasty ingredient in many dishes, but also a natural medicine and even a cosmetic. Including it in your daily menu will not only have a great effect on the condition of your skin, but also take care of your eyesight. Read on and learn about 7 reasons to love carrots.

Carrots are sometimes used as an active ingredient of many cosmetic products, and its nutritional value means that it can also be used for medicinal purposes.

In carrots we find a whole range of vitamins and nutrients from which we can draw in many different ways. That is why below we will discuss in more detail the properties of carrots and their effects on our health and beauty.

The nutritional value of carrots

The unique taste of carrots makes it go very well with many other products. However, if you are still not convinced to include carrots in your daily menu, be sure to learn about all its benefits.

One of the main reasons carrots are an ideal ingredient in a balanced diet is that they are very low in calories, sodium and carbohydrates. The average serving of a carrot is approximately 50 calories. Carrots do not contain cholesterol or saturated fat.

Grated carrot

Thanks to this, it is an ideal solution for people struggling with cardiovascular diseases.

A medium-sized raw carrot gives you four times the recommended dose of vitamin A ; it also provides the body with fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folic acid, manganese, iron, potassium and copper. Do you really need more reasons to start eating carrots regularly?

7 reasons to eat carrots every day

Carrots can have anti-cancer effects

Due to the high content of antioxidants, carrots can reduce the influence of free radicals on the body’s cells. Thus, it can help inhibit the development of cancer cells, and thus indirectly prevent many different diseases of this type.

It inhibits the aging process

The high content of beta-carotenes, a substance that converts into vitamin A in the body, helps to stop the aging process of the skin.

Skin aging

In addition, this vitamin inhibits the premature degeneration of other cells in the body, including the internal organs.

It has a diuretic effect

Carrot’s diuretic effect makes it a great ally for your kidneys. It prevents fluid retention in the body and prevents the formation of dangerous kidney stones.

Carrots for better eyesight

It is well known that in order to maintain good eyesight, you need to regularly supply your body with significant amounts of vitamin A.


Due to the fact that carrots are rich in this ingredient, we can consider them a great ally of the health of your eyes.

It prevents cardiovascular problems

Carrots are low in sodium but rich in water, vitamins and minerals. It naturally contributes to lowering the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevents many different diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Support in weight loss

Antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and minerals are the ingredients present in carrots that most support us in the fight for our dream figure. It is a natural support, thanks to which we do not have to lean towards restrictive diets.

Of course, carrots, like no other product, is not a magic way to lose weight without any effort. Its regular consumption must always be combined with frequent physical activity and a balanced diet.

Beautiful skin thanks to carrots

Complex antioxidants and compounds stimulating cell regeneration are the reasons why carrots have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin.

Carrots for a snack

It is worth using its properties both inside and out.

How to take advantage of the properties of carrots?

The biggest advantage of carrots is that they can be used in hundreds of different ways; it can be served both hot and raw. The latter option is especially recommended because then the carrot retains the most of its nutritional properties. Here are some ideas for using carrots:

  • salad
  • carrot juice
  • soups and creams
  • desserts (e.g. carrot cake)
  • stew stewed with carrots
  • carrot stuffing
  • rice with carrots

If you have no idea what carrot dish to prepare this time, below you will find two sample recipes.

Carrot purée

Peeled carrots can be boiled until thick, or mixed with other ingredients or blended. Carrot puree is a perfect solution for afternoon tea or dinner, you can also use it to prepare … a mask that regenerates the skin!

Carrot puree

In the latter case, first thoroughly clean the skin of the face, mix the carrot puree with a little honey and apply it to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with lukewarm water.

Carrot juice

One of the most popular ways to use carrots is to make juice. You can drink it every day and in this way you can use its properties regularly. Put a few peeled carrots in a juicer and you will get a 100% natural and tasty juice.

Of course, you can add water so that the juice is not too thick.

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