Carrulim – Discover A Wonderful Remedy That Cleanses The Blood

While carrulim is known to be a remedy to help restore the strength of the body and mind, it also has many physical benefits. This is because it is a cleansing drink.
Carrulim - discover a miracle cleansing remedy

Carrulim is an ancient remedy from Paraguay. They were prepared with alcohol made of sugar cane, rue and lemon. Carrulim perfectly cleanses the blood and helps renew energy.

In today’s article, we’ll tell you about this surprisingly effective natural remedy. Be sure to read!

What is carrulim?

Carrulim is a medicinal alcohol-based drink. The name comes from the combination of its ingredients in Spanish: ca –  caña (sugar cane) ru – ruda (ruta) lim –  limón (lemon). There are many variants of this natural remedy, for example some people add honey and rosemary to carrulim.

Carrulim is traditionally prepared at home in Paraguay and around Brazil and Argentina.

Tradition has it that carrulim should be drunk every year on the first of August. On this day in Paraguay, the drink is sold on practically every corner.

The origin of carrulim

Dried herbs

The indigenous people of Paraguay, known as Guarani, consider August to be a very difficult month for our health and unlucky.

That is why they created a healing drink aimed at strengthening the body and renewing energy. This in turn – as the Indians believe – takes away from us the specter of disease and any other misfortune.

According to tradition, carrulim should be drunk on August 1, because this date symbolizes the second gate of the year through which Paraguay enters the winter stage.

There are different opinions on how to take the remedy itself:

  • Some people drink three servings while others say you should drink seven.
  • The most conservative Indians prefer to consume only a teaspoon because they say that it is only about the magical and energizing effects of the drink.
  • However, some people abuse this remedy, which – as is the case with any alcoholic drink – has negative consequences.

The healing properties of carrulim


Ruta is distinguished by its energizing effect. It demonstrates the ability to drive away bad energy from us and protects against any danger.

On a physical level, it improves blood circulation and supports digestive function.

In some cultures, you may find that people put a rite at the entrance to their home to protect themselves and their loved ones from situations that could create danger and emergency.

If a plant dies, a new one is planted in its place to take over its function.

Ruta should not be drunk by pregnant women as it is believed to have abortive properties.



Lemon is definitely one of the healthiest plants. It shows cleansing and detoxifying properties. It helps us remove impurities from the body, and although it has a sour taste, it helps to regulate the acid-base balance of the body and get rid of the problem of acidity.

This citrus fruit strengthens our immune system and improves the work of the liver, kidneys, intestines and the entire digestive system.

Most of the valuable lemon ingredients responsible for its properties are hidden in the peel. So as long as we have access to ecologically grown fruit, it is worth reaching for the peel.


Like ruta, rosemary also has properties that ward off negative energy from us. It cleans us deeply, restoring harmony.

On the physical level, it is perfect for supporting digestion, stimulating the liver and intestines to work.

Rosemary strengthens our immune system and helps fight a whole host of infections because it acts as a natural antibiotic.

What’s more, it stimulates our entire body in a natural way, slightly raising blood pressure, which in turn promotes better blood circulation.

Our remedy without alcohol

Remedy carrulim

Based on an old recipe, useful for creating carrulim, we have developed a recipe for a home remedy containing the same healing ingredients, but without alcohol.


  • 1 lemon from organic farming (we will use both juice and zest)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1/2 tablespoon of rosemary (3 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ore (4 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (60 g)

Preparation method

We will prepare our remedy as follows:

  • Squeeze the lemon juice.
  • Boil the water together with the lemon peel, diced and rosemary. Cook for about 15 minutes.
  • Approximately 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add the rue.
  • Cover the container with a lid and let it brew for about 10 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid, add lemon juice and sweeten it with honey.
  • Our healing drink is ready.

Reception method

This remedy should be drunk in several portions:

  • 2 glasses on an empty stomach
  • 1 cup in the morning
  • 1 cup in the afternoon

You can drink this drink for 7 consecutive days to cleanse your blood and strengthen your spirit.

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