Cereal Sprout Oil – 6 Benefits For Your Hair

Cereal sprout oil does not grease the hair, but it deeply moisturizes and nourishes it.
Cereal sprout oil - 6 benefits for your hair

Cereal Germ Oil  is a plant-based product made from tiny wheat germ. It is distinguished not only by its dark amber color, but also by a delicate, slightly nutty scent.

What is more, it turns out that  this oil  is an excellent natural hair cosmetic that will provide it with a large dose of nutrients and vitamins. Do you want to know more? Learn 6 benefits of using this oil on hair.

Wheat germ oil has many medicinal and cosmetic uses. Some cosmetic companies have even started adding this ingredient to their skin and hair products. It is a highly nutritious ingredient that moisturizes and regenerates the hair.

What’s more, it is also a source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and good-quality protein. Once you use it, it will definitely stay with you for longer.

1. Oil for faster hair growth

Wet hair

If you suffer from excessive hair loss or alopecia, wheat germ oil may be the solution. It is a product rich in complex B vitamins, which are essential for the stimulation and formation of new cells and tissues.

Proteins present in this oil will strengthen hair along its entire length, thus preventing hair loss, splitting or brittleness. In turn, fatty acids and vitamin E regulate the production of natural scalp oils. It will give your hair volume and healthy shine.

2. Moisturizes the hair

Healthy fats present in sprout oil, such as linoleic oil or palmitic acid, perfectly penetrate the scalp, thus moisturizing the hair from the root. On the other hand, antioxidants neutralize the negative influence of free radicals and normalize the pH of the scalp, which can cause hair dryness.

Vitamins A, D and E strengthen the hair while moisturizing it and improving its appearance.

3. Natural hair conditioner

Oil for hair health

Wheat germ oil has a smooth texture and is very saturated with nutrients, so it can easily replace commercial hair conditioners.

Not only is it cheaper and more efficient, it will also bring you more benefits without causing side effects or allergic reactions. If you have a problem with detangling your hair, thanks to this oil you will be able to control it.

4. A way to deal with frizzy hair

Just a small amount of this oil is enough to control your hair and reduce frizz, even if it’s damp outside. This product has the ability to moisturize and smooth the hair structure, so you can finally create your dream hairstyle without worrying that it won’t stay on your head for even ten minutes.

The great advantage of this product is also the fact that it is resistant to wind or rain, and at the same time it does not make the hair greasy.

5. Protection of the scalp

Pouring oil

Sprout oil provides a large dose of vitamin E, protein and essential fatty acids, which form a natural protective barrier for your scalp. First, these ingredients regulate the pH of the skin, also stimulating the removal of dead skin that can block pores and hair follicles.

What’s more, by massaging the right amount of oil into the scalp, you will stimulate blood circulation and thus improve cell oxygenation and transport of nutrients. Interestingly, this oil also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, so you can protect yourself against problems such as dandruff or skin infections.

6. A method for split ends

It is not always possible to fully regenerate split ends, but it is worth trying the method with the use of oil from cereal sprouts. Linolenic acid, complex B vitamins and vitamin E together constitute a mixture of substances capable of regenerating the hair structure. This way, they will improve the appearance and condition of your tips.

How to take full advantage of the oil’s properties?

Wheat oil

This oil can become an integral part of your daily beauty routine. Depending on your needs, you can use it along the entire length of the hair, on the ends or directly on the scalp.

  • It is best to prepare the treatment with the oil on a day off, when you can leave it on your hair for a few hours and then rinse it off.
  • Don’t use too much oil as it can be difficult to remove excess oil from your hair.
  • Use 2-3 times a week, depending on your needs and the degree of damage to your hair.

Head to the drugstore or organic store and you will surely be able to buy a bottle of this natural oil. Try it yourself and discover all the amazing properties of this product.

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