Chicken Cannelloni – A Tasty And Easy Recipe

Cannelloni with chicken - a tasty and easy recipe

Cannelloni with chicken is more than just a recipe for a delicious dish. If you learn this universal recipe, you can easily modify it. At any time, you can quickly prepare a dish that will delight everyone.

Today you will learn a few things while making chicken cannelloni . You might be a little surprised, but if there’s a type of meat that is appreciated regardless of culture, language or age, it’s chicken.

A very interesting fact is that chicken is great for any innovation. It stimulates creativity and ensures that something delicious and very healthy will always come out. These are the features of this recipe and, in addition, it will be an attractive activity to pass the time. It is also a motivation to eat properly.

It is certain that each of us is burdened with numerous daily activities, stress and a lot of duties that must be taken care of after coming home. After a whole day, you definitely don’t have the energy to take on new challenges. However, you have to learn to fight it, and what could be a better way than making chicken cannelloni?

Good for the palate and for health

In addition, one of the most surprising and unusual things about this recipe is that while you are making it, you can fill the cannelloni with literally what you like. This makes the dish even more appetizing because you will not find any ingredient that you do not tolerate.

As an example to illustrate this idea, often just before making the chicken cannelloni you find that you don’t have all the ingredients. But that’s no problem, because you just put vegetables on them, add other types of meat or fish. More: you can even use the leftovers that are in the refrigerator and you have no idea how to use them.

You have no excuse not to do it. Use all the possible benefits of chicken breasts, and instead of frying, baking or otherwise using it, cut them into strips and turn them into a universal dish, rare and very tasty.

What should you do to prepare chicken cannelloni?

Now we need to pause for a moment and analyze the benefits of the chicken cannelloni recipe. And since we always emphasize the importance of good nutrition, you should know what you are going to eat.

When it comes to health benefits, the recipe includes white onions, tomatoes, sweet and salty spices like nutmeg and black pepper. These are ingredients that benefit your body and combine to provide you with healthy calories, vitamins and proteins.

So it’s not just about satisfying your hunger and feeling satisfied that you’ve just eaten a new and tasty dish. Cannelloni with chicken gives you the confidence that you have provided your body with the best nutrients to stay healthy.

Chicken breast

If you look closely, you are consuming vegetables, animal proteins, and dairy products in ideal amounts so that your digestion is optimal and does not have unpleasant consequences. Besides, you are accumulating the energy that you will need later to maintain an accelerated pace of life

When you sit down at the table, you can be sure that everyone is eating healthily. So become the best chef and learn how to prepare chicken cannelloni. Really worth.

Remember that creating tasty and innovative recipes like this one is beneficial not only for you but also for your family.


  • 10 cannelloni tubes
  • 3 large onions
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil (90 ml)
  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • 5 tablespoons of grated white cheese (100 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 2 red sliced ​​tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of nutmeg (30 g)
  • 1 sachet of béchamel cream (125 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground white pepper (15 g)
Canelloni with chicken


  1. The first thing you should do is put a medium pot of water on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  2.  Once you reach the boiling point, you’ll need to toss in the finely chopped onion, salt, and nutmeg.
  3. Then, in another small pot, prepare the Béchamel sauce and keep it handy. You’ll use it right away.
  4. Pour a little olive oil into the pan and heat it up.
  5. Add previously cut breasts and let them fry a little.
  6. Later, remove the bulbs from the large pot when they are soft and set them aside.
  7. Once the chicken is fried a little you have to put out the fire.
  8. Don’t forget to season it with a little bit of soft onion and cheese.
  9. Then mix everything very well with the chicken. At the end, add the chopped and peeled tomato.
  10. Now you need to fill the chicken cannelloni with the stuffing you just prepared.
  11. Finally, pour the Béchamel sauce over the cannelloni so that it is completely covered and put in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.

Finally, remember: don’t limit yourself to this recipe. You can turn on the various tasty toppings you just have and make the prepared chicken cannelloni even more delicious.

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