Clean House – Learn 10 Infallible Tricks

A clean house - learn 10 infallible tricks

Each of us dreams of a clean and tidy home. Often, however, we do not have time to clean every day, so laundry items accumulate every day, dirt builds up in the bathroom, floors are far from the desired shine … Learn 10 tips that will help you keep your home tidy and clean !

Although we like to have a clean house very much , usually in practice it is completely different. The hustle and bustle of everyday life and the excess of duties make it difficult for us to keep order and cleanliness in our four corners.

And since not all of us can afford to hire a domestic help, we need to deal with the eternal lack of time and organize ourselves accordingly!

Today we would like to introduce you to some effective ways to keep your home tidy and clean. Remember, however, that without self-denial and systematic work it will be a very difficult task. Learn to manage your time well, and the problem of disorder will no longer bother you soon!

1. Clean home every day – work out your routine

Keeping your home tidy is like taking care of your figure. If you want to keep your body lean and healthy, you should spend at least one hour of physical activity several times a week. It’s the same with keeping order in your own four corners – we should spend a few minutes every day cleaning up.

Contrary to appearances, devoting a few minutes a day to household chores is not as difficult as it may seem. The method is simple: instead of spending half a day cleaning on weekends, set aside just 15 minutes each day for household chores and your home will always be clean and tidy.

The first step in implementing your new routine is to make a list of the most important jobs needed to keep things clean and tidy. We mean, for example: washing, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the floor, cleaning the bathroom, washing dishes, disinfecting the kitchen, changing bed linen,  etc.

After completing the list, divide the chores by 6 days a week and you will be offered what to do on that day. For example:

  • Monday: cleaning windows and windows
  • Tuesday: dust removal, sweeping and floor mopping
  • Wednesday: washing and cleaning of the bathroom
  • Thursday: putting your wardrobe in order
  • Friday: cleaning the kitchen
  • Saturday: change of linen to clean

The habit of cleaning the house every day will help you keep order and good organization of daily duties. Never again will you have to spend the weekend cleaning the entire house, but you will be able to fully enjoy your free time!

2. Don’t gather items that you don’t need

In general, the contents of our houses can be divided into two groups: useful items and those completely unnecessary. Before you buy a new piece of clothing, a lamp, a table or any other item or decoration, consider whether this object will actually make your life easier or beautify your interior.

We often do shopping impulsively, without even thinking whether we will use a given purchase.

Clutter in the room - better to have a clean house

If the answer to the question: Do I really need it is negative, do not spend your money on something that will not prove useful to you. Remember that the more things we have, the more difficult it is to keep our house in order. A clean house is one in which there are no unnecessary and useless items hanging around.

3. Use hangers

If you belong to the group of people who leave keys, purse, umbrella or wallet anywhere, be sure to attach small hangers or hooks at strategic points in the apartment. You will quickly develop a habit of putting items of frequent use always in the same place.

In this way, you will not only ensure that your home is tidy and clean, but you will also save a lot of valuable time that you spend every day looking for keys or a mobile phone. This activity – seemingly insignificant – will help bring the right organization into your life. Apparently nothing, but a lot …

4. Make the bed before leaving the house

Are you always in a hurry to leave the house and leave a huge mess that you look at angrily when you come back, when you are tired and stressed? See for yourself that two minutes in the morning devoted to making your bed can change your whole day!

The woman made the bed

Is there anything nicer than coming home after a hard day and finding it clean and tidy? The habit of putting things in order immediately will help you enjoy life and enjoy being in your four corners.

5. Wash the dishes right after a meal

The habit of washing the dishes right after a meal is very practical. In this way, we use less water, because the remains of food do not have time to stick to the surface of the plate or pot, and at the same time we do not have to spend long minutes scrubbing the pile of dirty dishes accumulated throughout the day.

In order to keep the kitchen clean and tidy, it is also recommended to regularly wash individual utensils and utensils used during cooking. Thanks to this habit, when we serve a meal, our kitchen will be clean and tidy.

Of course, this problem does not apply to people who have a dishwasher. We put the dish in the device and the kitchen is tidy in no time!

6. Put the clothes back in their place

Socks, shirt, sweatshirt … The scattered clothes show that you are a messy person and you have problems with organizing your own time. Remember that bathroom baskets have been invented for dirty clothes, and clean ones – should go to the wardrobe.

If you are one of the people who iron washed clothes, collect them in another, specially prepared basket or container.

A clean house is also an orderly wardrobe

In a clean and tidy home, neither clothes nor any other items that have their own place assigned to it are lost! Try to hang your clothes in the wardrobe every day or – after wearing them all day – throw them in the laundry basket.

7. Clean the washing machine regularly

A washing machine is one of the household items to which we do not attach much importance. We are only interested in it working efficiently and effectively removing dirt from our clothes. Remember, however, that this device accumulates various pollen, dust, dirt and fabric fragments with each wash.

8. Take care of the hygiene of pets

Whether you have a dog, cat, or guinea pig, remember that pets can be a source of dirt. Make your pet a habit of taking care of yourself outside the house, make sure that he does not damage furniture or nibble on plants.

A clean pet is a clean home

Also, do not let them sleep in bed or on the couch, because the fabrics will be covered with the hair lost by the pet, and thus – they will get dirty faster and absorb unpleasant smells.

9. Put things back in their places

We are often unaware of the simplest things – if we always put things back, our home will always be tidy. Remember that a tidy apartment looks cleaner and it is much nicer to stay in it.

So try to assign each item one place where you will always put it. An additional advantage of such a habit is developing the ability to organize space, thanks to which you will not waste time looking for many accidentally lost things.

10. Clean stains immediately

If you accidentally spilled milk or coffee on the radiator, floor, table or any other surface, run to the kitchen right away to get a cloth. Remember that a fresh stain is much easier to remove than dried food residue.

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