Cleaning The Bathroom – How To Do It Efficiently And Effectively?

Frequent cleaning of the bathroom is necessary to maintain your health and that of your loved ones. Find out how to effectively clean it with products that you can easily get hold of.
Cleaning the bathroom - How to do it efficiently and effectively?

Cleaning a bathroom is often a frustrating task. No matter how much time we devote to this task, the result often does not compensate for the effort invested. In such a case, it is possible that we are using inappropriate methods.

Harsh chemicals are not the best solution for cleaning a bathroom as many of them contain harmful substances. While the toilet is being cleaned, you come into contact with these products and they may adversely affect your health. Non-aggressive cleaning agents should be selected and appropriate protection measures should be used when using them.

On the opposite side to strong chemicals are natural cleaning methods and they are completely harmless. The best part is that most of them are extremely effective. So let’s be tempted by these natural chemistry alternatives. Here are some ways to clean your bathroom with natural, commonly available cleaning products.

1. Start cleaning the bathroom with the toilet

The toilet is one of the areas of the bathroom most conducive to the spread of bacteria. Therefore, it should be cleaned daily. If you don’t have time to clean the bathroom, at least one spray of cleaning agents should be applied inside the toilet bowl.

Cleaning the bathroom

If there are deposits and streaks inside the toilet, the best thing to do is vinegar. Mix it in equal proportions with water. Then apply to places that need cleaning. Let it run for 10 minutes and then flush the toilet.

You can also use a cola drink to achieve a similar effect. In this case, pour the liquid over the toilet, leave it active for 30 minutes, and scrub the toilet. Then repeat the procedure. These types of drinks also help to unblock the pipes.

2.Bath tub and sink

The bathtub is another bathroom element on which deposits and stains accumulate. Vinegar is highly recommended in these cases. Sponge it on the stains, let it act for a few minutes, then rinse with water.

You can also use paper towels dipped in white vinegar. Place them on the streaks, leave for about 15 minutes, then remove. Finally rinse with water.

Cleaning the washbasin

In the case of a sink, special attention should be paid to the tap and drain. It’s best to use a bottle brush and bleach. Clean very well inside and out, at least once a week. This way there will never be a blockage.

3.Shower and tiles

The main difficulty with showering is the build-up of lime build-up. When that happens, vinegar is your salvation again. Just make a mixture of vinegar and water and pour the liquid into the spray can. Then spray all metal parts of the shower with this substance. Finally, clean all the washed parts with a dry cloth.

The same mixture can be used for tiles. When they have salt, limescale or other deposits, you should spray them generously with a mixture of vinegar and water. Wait for about five minutes and then clean the surface.

Sometimes the spaces between the tiles look dirty, and we want them to be white. This is due to the accumulation of dust and other debris. To clean them, it’s best to use a mixture of water and potassium hydroxide. Mix in one to one ratio. Apply to a toothbrush and clean tiles and grout.

4.Remove mold from the bathroom

Mold must not be overlooked when cleaning the bathroom. It tends to accumulate in places such as the floor, door frames, and corners. The best option is to use the mixture with a mixture containing equal proportions of warm water, bleach and soap.

Spray this mixture wherever there is mold. Then clean them with an old cloth and brush. If mold has appeared on the floor mat, the mat should be immersed in the mixture and left there for a few minutes. Then scrub and rinse well.

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