Damaged Hair – Learn 5 Natural Remedies

Do you want to know some natural, simple ways to regenerate damaged hair? Do you want to bring them back to shine? Today we present some natural remedies that will surely help you with this!
Damaged hair - find out about 5 natural remedies

To regenerate damaged hair, first of all, you need to be patient. No product, even the most expensive one, will bring immediate results. And no matter how much it is praised by producers.

Yes, you will notice some improvement right after application. However, you will only achieve truly beautiful and healthy hair by using certain measures regularly and by incorporating certain care techniques into your daily routine.

Hair is usually one of the most prominent features of the exterior. Damaged hair does not add charm to anyone. That’s why it’s so important to know how to properly care for them and look great.

Below we present five natural remedies for the reconstruction and regeneration of damaged hair.

Damaged Hair – Here Are Five Effective Remedies

It does not matter if your hair has been damaged due to constant coloring, the use of inappropriate products, straightening or excessive exposure to heat and sun.

Two features that always go hand in hand with damaged hair are their dullness and dryness. This can also be accompanied by brittleness and split ends.

Curly hair, damaged hair

To solve the problem of damaged hair, reach for proven, natural remedies of well-known effectiveness. They are usually used in the form of masks or conditioners.

Also remember that in order to regenerate damaged hair you need to eliminate or at least limit its exposure to harmful factors. This includes, for example, the use of hot devices such as a curling iron or straightener and dryers. Their constant use damages our hair.

So let’s take a look at some great natural remedies for regenerating damaged hair.

1. Mask with avocado, honey and eggs

Bee honey restores the hair’s natural shine. In addition, it prevents dandruff as well as strengthens and moisturizes the scalp.

Egg yolk and avocado are also great moisturizers.


  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • 1 egg yolk


  • First, mix all the ingredients in the bowl. Mix them very carefully.
  • Then shampoo your hair as usual and apply the mixture to it.
  • Leave the mask on your head for 30 minutes.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, rinse your hair with cool water.

2. Damaged hair? A cream mask with olive oil and mayonnaise will help

About pours plants work best when it comes to regeneration of damaged hair. Olive oil is a powerful moisturizer. In addition, it has a protective effect and prevents further damage to the hair and scalp.

Olive oil for damaged hair
Olive oil contains large amounts of vitamin E, which strongly regenerates both the scalp and hair.

Mayonnaise, on the other hand, is one of the most recommended natural remedies for any hair treatment, because it gives it shine and visibly softens it.


  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1 egg


  • Mix mayonnaise and olive oil in a bowl.
  • Then add the egg and mix until smooth.
  • Then apply the resulting mixture to clean hair and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse the mask with plenty of lukewarm water.

3. Mask of egg yolk and olive oil

Dry and weak hair has a tendency to tangling, and when detangling it, it crumbles and splits. On the other hand, tangled hair is unbearable and does not allow for any beauty treatments.

However, we will present you with a great weapon for unbearable tangles. A mask made of chicken egg yolk and olive oil will moisturize your hair, make it glide and allow you to comb it painlessly.


  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil


  • Break the egg and separate the yolk from the egg white.
  • Then mix the yolk with the olive oil.
  • Then wet your hair and apply the previously prepared mixture.
  • Leave it on your head for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly at the end.

4. Regenerate damaged hair with castor oil and soybean oil

Castor oil is a very common remedy for the care of damaged hair, because it not only makes it easier to detangle, but also strengthens it. In addition, it stimulates the growth of new hair, gives it shine and softens it.

The combination with soybean oil allows you to strengthen their beneficial properties.


  • 1 tablespoon of soybean oil
  • 3 tablespoons of castor oil


  • Pour both oils into the pan.
  • Then heat them over medium heat. When the oils get a little warm, take the pot off the heat. Do not bring the oil mixture to a boil.
  • When the oil has cooled down to room temperature, apply it to slightly damp hair by rubbing it into the scalp with a gentle massage.
  • Wrap your head in a towel or plastic cap and leave it on for 15 minutes.
  • Finally, brush your hair slowly and rinse thoroughly with warm water.

5. A mask of almond oil, honey and eggs also works for damaged hair

If you have split ends, try this natural mask that will restore the health and beauty of your hair. Each of the ingredients has strong moisturizing properties and additionally makes the hair shiny and soft.

The woman cuts the damaged ends
A highly moisturizing mask will help to solve the problem of split hair.


  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 whole egg


  • Add all ingredients to the bowl and mix them thoroughly until smooth.
  • Then, apply the mixture to the hair itself and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water.


You surely know that the above masks will not have an immediate effect and will only work if you use them regularly.

In addition, there are other factors to consider as well. Limit harmful treatments on your hair, because only in this way will you be able to restore its healthy appearance.

So avoid the use of hot curlers and straighteners. It is the best method to regenerate and bring out the natural beauty of your hair.

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