Dead And Dry Skin? Find Out What Four Vitamins Can Help Improve It

Apart from the fact that they are necessary for the functioning of other organs, there are also important vitamins thanks to which a healthy complexion becomes our advantage. There are vitamins that lead the way in our diet – to keep the skin healthy, smooth and radiant.
Healthy complexion - learn about the 4 most important vitamins for your skin

There are many cosmetic products on the market where a healthy complexion is a priority and helps to bring out its beauty. But let’s think – do they really meet the appropriate vitamin standards, sufficient to keep her healthy?

Find out what are the most important vitamins for skin health and which ingredients you like should be considered the most important. We will also tell you what products you can include in your daily diet to take full advantage of all natural vitamins and make a healthy complexion not only a dream, but also a fact.

Don’t forget that a healthy complexion needs certain vitamins to stay radiant and beautiful, protected from environmental pollutants.

Try to provide her with these vitamins in your life, which we present below, both in the composition of your cosmetics and in your diet:

A healthy complexion – the 4 most important vitamins for it

1. Vitamin A

There are vitamins that the body cannot synthesize itself. This is the case with vitamin A, so it should be included in the diet with the help of food or cosmetic products.

Vegetables are a healthy complexion

Vitamin A plays a fundamental role in the health of our skin. It also provides the necessary protection against solar radiation, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. It also helps fight diseases like acne, psoriasis and dryness by keeping you hydrated and flexible.

Prepare your skin a few days before the sunny summer arrives by consuming this vitamin in smoothies or salads containing fruits and vegetables such as:

  • Mango
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Tomatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Green leaves (spinach, lettuce, cauliflower)

Foods that can provide this great vitamin are said to be red / orange in color because they contain beta carotene. They are also powerful sources of vitamin A for the skin.

2. Healthy complexion and vitamin B3

Also known as niacin, it is a B complex vitamin that is used in the processes of creating many cosmetics that help to reduce redness or inflammatory problems.

A bottle of essential oil

It helps the body to regain the proper glow of the skin, and it can also rebuild the skin if it is flabby or not too firm, and thus can prevent skin aging in a short time.

Foods you should eat to take advantage of Vitamin B3’s properties include:

  • Chicken breasts
  • Corn tortillas
  • Tuna
  • Peanuts
  • Salmon

In addition, we also recommend eating foods high in vitamin B12:

  • Beer yeast
  • Liver
  • Sardines
  • Seafood

Vitamin B12 is responsible for the production of red blood cells in the body to regulate skin tone and proper pigmentation.

3. Vitamin C

This is the vitamin responsible for the firmness of your skin. Firm and healthy complexion – is named after her. Vitamin C is very important as it helps to synthesize collagen in the skin.

Fruits, vegetables and vitamin C.

On the other hand, it is responsible for reducing and preventing the appearance of discoloration, as it contributes to the production of keratin in the body; it is an essential protein for the formation of new cells.

You will find its advantages in products such as:

  • Citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, oranges)
  • Papaya
  • Guajawa
  • Yellow pepper
  • Melon

4. Vitamin E

It is another vitamin that will help you fight imperfections visible on the skin caused by age or related to diseases, sun or other toxic factors that a healthy complexion lacks.

Vitamin E and a healthy complexion

To systematically use its properties:

  • Regularly add a pinch of pepper to your meals
  • Make sauces based on vegetable oils such as olive oil
  • Eat nuts, olives and sunflower seeds

Another interesting fact is that vitamin E contributes to the regulation of skin moisture. In addition, it helps in the absorption of vitamin A throughout the body.

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