Deposits In The Intestines? Time To Detox!

Regular colon cleansing plays a key role in keeping the entire body functioning properly. Otherwise, harmful toxins are not removed properly from the body and cause a wide variety of diseases
Deposits in the intestines?  Time to detox!

Depending on the diet we use every day, more or less harmful substances are deposited in our intestines. The so-called deposits that over time become the cause of unpleasant ailments and even serious diseases.

These harmful substances and toxins accumulate primarily in the intestines. It is primarily the large intestine and the colon, i.e. the part of the digestive system that is responsible for the removal of waste products and the formation of fecal mass.

It is worth realizing that the overall health of our entire body depends on the good condition of the intestines, which is why specialists recommend regular cleansing. With the help of a daily diet, we can facilitate the body’s natural cleansing processes. Discover some of the most effective ways to detox your gut and improve your overall health today!

A few words about the gut: how does the colon work?


The colon is the final portion of the colon, through which the harmful and unwanted products of metabolism just prior to expulsion from the body. The function of the colon is very simple, but our daily habits and unhealthy diet make it much more difficult.

Why? As a result of consuming highly processed foods and heavy meals, we force our intestines to do much more difficult work than would be the case with a diet that is healthy and low in fats and sugars.

As a consequence, the colon is unable to perform its only function that is fundamental to the overall health of the body.

Harmful waste and toxins begin to build up in the intestines when they cannot be excreted properly. They stick to their walls and become a direct cause of unpleasant ailments and various diseases : from constipation, through pain in joints and head, to cancer.

When too many toxins accumulate in the intestines …

In severe cases of chronic accumulation of waste and toxins in the intestines, severe renal dysfunction and problems with the proper functioning of the liver may appear.

In order to improve the work of the digestive system and cleanse the intestines of harmful metabolic products and all kinds of deposits, you should make a revolution in your daily diet.

The sooner you give up highly processed foods, unhealthy fats, excess sugar, and white flour, the better for your colon!

Replace these harmful food products with those that contain a large dose of valuable dietary fiber. Also try to carry out a treatment that removes toxins and other harmful substances accumulated in the intestines several times a year.

Set aside one detox weekend at least once a quarter. The results are worth every effort!

What is a colon detox?

Cleansing or detoxing the large intestine is usually a somewhat unpleasant process for those who undergo treatment. There may be bothersome headaches and we have to run to the toilet several times a day.

However, we can assure you that the results of such a cleansing treatment are spectacular. When your intestines are free of harmful substances, you feel fantastic, your skin is radiant and you can enjoy greater resistance to a wide variety of diseases.

Colon cleansing

Remember to drink plenty of water during your bowel detox so that your body is able to flush out toxins and other harmful substances more quickly. At the same time, thanks to the proper hydration of the body, you will avoid constipation and the related unpleasant ailments.

Professionals recommend drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water (about 2 liters) a day. A great way to support the digestive system is also to eat a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach.

Such a drink perfectly cleanses the intestines and activates the metabolism dormant overnight.

Apple – the healthiest way to cleanse the intestines

Fresh apple

Apple is one of the best natural colon cleansers. Experts in the field of healthy eating recommend regular so-called apple diet. Over the course of three days, you should eat very large amounts of this delicious fruit. The possibilities for serving them are endless!

The form of consuming apples is irrelevant: with or without the peel, whole or in the form of juice … Each form of this fruit effectively supports the process of natural removal of toxins and harmful metabolic substances from our body.

  • After drinking your morning glass of water with lemon juice, it’s time for a glass of natural, freshly prepared apple juice.
  • Then drink the glass of water again and the juice and so on twice more. In summary, you should drink four glasses of water and four glasses of fresh apple juice during the day.

The worming movements of the intestines gradually start to increase turnover due to the pectin contained in apples. These ingredients effectively “break down” toxins and help remove them from the body.

Weekends are a good time to carry out an apple treatment. However, remember that one day on apple juice is not enough. After that, you should follow a special apple diet for at least 72 hours.

The next steps are as follows:

  • You can eat apples without restrictions (raw, of course, and without any additives).
  • Just after getting out of bed and before going to bed, drink a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water during the day (but always leave a half-hour interval before and after eating apples).
  • For three days, eat nothing but apples.
  • After completing the 72-hour diet, you can gradually include other products. However, remember that they should be healthy, easy to digest and full of dietary fiber. These can be soups, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains …

This treatment is quite powerful, so it should not be performed more than four times a year. It is best to conduct it once a quarter.

Cleansing the intestines with salt

Sea salt

Salt is a mineral that is perfect for periodically removing toxins and harmful metabolic products from the intestines. However, it should be remembered that this treatment is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension or insufficient kidney function.

The salt detox lasts all day, so you should stay at home and cut down on any activity that requires physical exertion.

How should a colon cleansing treatment be performed?

  • In the morning, boil 200 ml of water (1 glass) and add a tablespoon of sea salt (10 g) to it. Allow it to cool down and when it is lukewarm, slowly drink it in small sips.
  • Perhaps this drink will give you a headache. This is perfectly normal during a cleansing treatment! It proves the positive effect of the drug.
  • Lie down for a while and, if necessary, give a gentle abdominal massage at stomach level.
  • Wait a few minutes (maybe even an hour) while still lying on the bed or couch. You can enjoy your time reading a book, listening to the radio or watching TV. Lie down until you feel the need to go to the toilet. This process should be repeated several times a day.

On the day of your cleansing salt treatment, eat only foods that are easily digestible, such as light soup, fruit juices and herbal infusions. Eating fried foods, meat, white flour and sweets is absolutely forbidden!

Drink another glass of the salt solution at noon and the last glass in the evening. Try to stay home all day. Rest and whenever you feel the need to go to the toilet – go immediately!

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