Diagnosis Of Myocardial Infarction – Symptoms And Prevention

Diagnosis of a heart attack - symptoms and prevention

Given the high rate of heart attacks in our country, it is very important to be mindful and well-informed. In Poland, most deaths concern cardiological diseases: ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis or different types of  heart attack. Unfortunately, heart attacks affect more and more people every year.

Each of us should know how to quickly recognize the first symptoms of a heart attack . Thanks to our tips, you will be able to prevent these serious complications and complications. Then you should act quickly and call an ambulance on time.

The cause of the attacks is easy to explain: a clot that is formed for a variety of reasons blocks the blood flow in the arteries. Consequently, blood cannot travel to the heart and further into all of the body’s cells. This can result in organ damage and even death.

Diagnosis of a heart attack

The organs of the blood system send several important signals to the body just before a heart attack occurs. That is why it is worth knowing what they are characterized by in order to diagnose a crisis state in time and ask for medical help.

Being able to react quickly and take symptoms seriously is critical to saving your own or someone else’s life. So read on and remember the symptoms below.

Pain in the chest

The main symptoms of a heart attack

  1. When you have a heart attack or pre-infarction, you will feel pain in your chest, just behind your breastbone. The pain may then move towards one of the arms – usually the left arm – and radiate towards the neck for a period of about 40 minutes. It can be felt even in the lower jaw and cause numbness in the upper limbs.
  2. Even more disturbing are the symptoms of increased heart palpitations and the emergence of difficulty breathing.
  3. Nausea is a common symptom. Remember, however, that when someone feels sick, it does not immediately mean that they are having a heart attack. Usually, this symptom occurs with the heart symptoms listed above. The full spectrum of symptoms should be noted, including vomiting and nausea.
  4. The body of the sick person suffers from changes in temperature sensation. Some people have a cold sweat and chills, while others experience sudden and extreme hot flashes.
  5. You may feel anxious. It is characteristic of crisis situations. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone else, seek medical attention quickly. Any delay can cost a sick person their life.

How to prevent a heart attack?

Get rid of these unhealthy habits!

Your body will eventually pay the price for indiscipline in certain matters relating to your life. To stay healthy as long as possible, we recommend that you avoid the following habits altogether :

1. Smoking

Smoking cigarettes significantly increases the risk of a heart attack. It is one of the leading causes of death and the cause of many cardiovascular diseases.

In heavy smokers, respiratory functions are significantly reduced. If a heart attack occurs, it can have serious or even fatal consequences.

The patient will be deprived of his life-giving oxygen faster, which may shorten the time needed to reach the hospital. In addition, smoking reduces your cardiovascular and respiratory performance.

Smoking increases the risk of a heart attack

2. Excessive stress and physical exhaustion

Stress is a common civilization problem in the 21st century. The fast pace of life and long hours spent at work take us valuable time to relax and breathe.

Separating work from private life is the first step to dealing with the stress that is overwhelming you. Techniques of concentration, celebrating even the smallest moments or walking the dog can help you and your loved ones focus on today and not stress over tomorrow.

3. Saturated fats and trans fats

Stick to a healthy diet, unprocessed food, and plenty of vegetables. Eating fast food and fried foods every day gradually increases the risk of the negative effects of fats on the body.

Remember that a large proportion of cardiovascular disease is the result of an inadequate diet. Unfavorable eating habits should be avoided to prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the blood vessels.

The possibility of a heart attack is greater if you eat fatty foods

If this applies to you – lower the level of bad cholesterol in your blood. It’s not about eliminating all fat completely, it’s about keeping you in control of what you eat. You can even eat junk food from time to time.

Remember about healthy fats: avocados, olive oil, olives, virgin oil have health benefits in case of problems with high cholesterol. You should also eat foods rich in fiber: wholemeal bread, linseed, seeds and groats.

4. Alcohol abuse

Alcoholic beverages are very harmful when consumed frequently and in excess. In fact, they are an important factor in the development of obesity and increase the risk of developing heart problems.

If you are going to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Don’t give your body a reason to get sick! A glass of red wine with dinner or the occasional small beer is enough.

5. Lack of physical activity

Constant stress, lack of rest, and any other extreme bad habits are not allies of a healthy heart. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not play sports or go for walks, are contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Due to a lack of physical activity, they often show health problems.

However, there is no need to take drastic measures to avoid a heart attack.

You don’t have to run marathons right away! The key to success is a healthy lifestyle and regularity. Walking in the fresh air, going for a bike ride or swimming – are a good step towards increasing your activity.

Physical activity prevents the development of a heart attack

Avoid the bad habits described above and most importantly – learn to control your emotions. If you implement all the recommendations mentioned in the article and limit bad habits – you will significantly prevent the possibility of a heart attack.

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