Discover The Amazing Benefits Of Apricots

We provide the body with many nutrients and benefits when consuming apricots, but it is important that the fruit is of organic origin to avoid chemicals. Apricots should also be eaten when they are ripe, as the green fruit can be indigestible.
Apricots - discover their amazing benefits

Apricots are fruits that are distinguished above all by a high content of antioxidants. For this reason, they are considered essential for maintaining beauty and youth. Jaklo snack can also restore our vitality in a few moments.

In this article, you will discover all the properties of these fruits, as well as some uses and interesting facts. We will also share with you the different ways in which we can consume apricots : naturally, in compotes, in jam or dried.


Apricot ( Prunus armeniaca ) is a fruit originally from China that is now mainly produced in Turkey. Its excellent nutritional values ​​include beta-carotenes, vitamin A (orange pigments), and minerals such as iron or potassium. It is also very high in sugar and fiber.

We recommend that you always eat organic apricots as those from other crops tend to have a lot of pesticides and other chemicals in their peel. However, if it is an organic fruit, we can eat it without problems because it is rich in nutrients.

People of Hunz

The Hunza is a Himalayan people who have become very famous. These indigenous peoples are famous for their longevity and high quality of life. Their diet, which is mainly based on vegetables and fruit, includes both fresh and dried apricots in their menu.

However, it should be noted that factors such as lack of stress and pollution are also decisive for the good health of the Hunza people.

These fruits are consumed all year round. Often families have their own apricot trees, which are a sign of great wealth. In addition to eating the fruit, precious oil is extracted from its seeds, which is used in cooking, for lamps and for skin care.

Apricots on a bowl.

Health benefits

Apricots have the following health benefits:

  • Due to its richness in beta-carotenes, this fruit has a high antioxidant capacity. In this way, by eating apricots, we can prevent the aging of cells, which is caused by free radicals.
  • Antioxidants are also the best way to prevent degenerative diseases.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect that can reduce a lot of discomfort and pain.
  • They prevent many eye diseases such as retinal degeneration, night blindness, or blindness.
  • The high iron content of especially dried apricots makes them an excellent remedy for iron deficiency anemia.
  • They contain potassium, so they fight the fluid retention that causes swelling and puffiness in the body. At the same time, they reduce arterial hypertension.
  • They facilitate the good flow of digested food in the intestines and prevent constipation.
  • Thanks to the sugar and fiber content, they are a healthy solution to avoid the craving for sweets. By eating just 3 apricots, you will be able to calm down your hunger.
  • They reduce the tendency to cramps in the legs.
  • They balance the nervous system and relieve stress and anxiety.
  • They regulate high blood cholesterol levels.

Other uses

In addition to its health properties, this fruit has other uses and methods of use:

  • Apricot kernel oil is very beneficial for the skin, as is almond oil.
  • The seeds of this fruit are very rich in vitamin A. Thanks to this antioxidant, apricots are used in the treatment of certain eye or intestinal diseases, and as an ingredient in many natural cosmetics.
  • The famous Italian liqueur known as amaretto is made on the basis of apricot kernels.
Dried apricots.

However, we must emphasize that apricot kernel contains toxic ingredients, so it cannot be eaten. On the other hand, we should always eat ripe apricots to avoid indigestion.

How to eat apricots?

  • In natural form: apricot is appetizing and easy to eat anytime, anywhere. However, we can add it to our favorite cocktails to give them a characteristic and delicious sweet taste and a bit of sourness.
  • In compotes or marmalade: we can cook apricots with a little water and sugar to make a delicious compote or make jam that will taste delicious with toast, yoghurt and biscuit.
  • Dried apricots: When dried, apricots are a nutrient-rich food, sugar and fiber. They provide a lot of energy, making them ideal for children, athletes, etc. Overweight people should consume them moderately.

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