Dry Hair? Forget About This Problem With Our Tips!

Not only greasy hair causes a lot of trouble, also dry hair can be a headache. Usually, before washing, they are the same as after washing. Hair becomes dry for a variety of reasons: external factors such as exposure to chemicals, or internal factors such as various diseases.

We recommend natural remedies for dry hair – simple and effective.

Dry hair: choose the right shampoo

Using the wrong shampoo is one of the most common causes of hair dryness. Many people follow the principle that clean hair equals healthy hair, which is why they wash it very often, even several times a day.

Remember, however, that shampoos contain aggressive washing agents that can destroy the natural oils found in the hair, which are responsible for maintaining proper hydration. In turn, a mild shampoo usually stimulates the work of the sebaceous glands. The best shampoos for dry hair have a pH between 4.5 and 6.7.

Washing hair with shampoo

Take care of your hair

Dry hair is the most susceptible to breakage and damage of all hair types, so we should take care of it and treat it carefully. While frothing the shampoo, make very gentle movements and definitely avoid pulling the strands.

When massaging your scalp, be careful with your nails as they can damage your hair and irritate your scalp. Gentle massages with your fingertips additionally stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands.

Use a hair conditioner

Dry hair requires the use of a conditioner. Choose products that do not contain alcohol or very little alcohol (it dries your hair even more). Be guided by the smell – the more delicate, the lower the alcohol content. If your hair is very dry, use the conditioner all night – apply it before going to bed and rinse only the next morning.

Avocado conditioner.jpg

Treatments with the use of oils

Professional hairdressers often recommend treatments with warm oils for dry and damaged hair. There are many types of warm oils available on the market.

Apply them to your hair for about 5-20 minutes (according to the instructions on the package), then wrap your hair with foil or put on a plastic bathing cap so that the warm oils can work effectively. After the allotted time, wash your head with a mild shampoo.

You don’t brush your hair too often

Regardless of what is said about brushing your hair, remember that brushing your hair too often can cause damage or hair loss. It is fine, dry hair that is most prone to breakage from too frequent brushing. You must do this carefully and carefully and only when your hair is damp.

An important element of the care of dry hair is also choosing the right brush for combing – a wide brush, preferably made of natural bristles, will prove to be the most appropriate choice because it helps to detangle the hair and does not pull too tangled strands.

Treatment with the use of vinegar

Apple cider vinegar for dry hair

There are many ways to treat dry hair with vinegar. In fact, vinegar is a really great hair conditioner – it helps to wash your hair and gives it a beautiful shine. Our method is very simple: add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to rinse your hair. We suggest that you always have a bottle of vinegar in the shower – this way you will never forget to use it.

Also remember that it is perfect for fighting dandruff, which is largely the cause of the dull appearance of our hair. So at the same time get rid of dandruff and restore shine to your hair. Do not dilute the vinegar, apply it directly to the scalp and give a gentle massage before applying the shampoo. Repeat several times a week.

You might as well soak your head in water and vinegar. This way you will get rid of dandruff and residues of the hair care products you use: shampoos, gels, varnishes, conditioners, etc.

Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with water and moisten your hair with them. For added convenience, you can pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray it on your hair. A great natural hair conditioner will also be mixing two glasses of water with 1/2 cup of vinegar. Thanks to it, you will get rid of dandruff and give your hair a healthy shine.

Apply the lotion to your hair after rinsing off the shampoo and leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. If you need an even stronger treatment to get rid of dandruff, do the same, but leave the conditioner on your hair for an hour and wrap it in foil or put on a plastic shower cap.

This type of vinegar treatment will additionally tame frizzy, dry and damaged hair.

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