Emotional Balance In 5 Steps

It is worth learning to manage your feelings properly in order to regain emotional balance. A proper look at reality helps you find yourself in it.
5 steps to emotional balance

Emotional balance  is a state in which we are filled with inner harmony and peace. Reaching such a state is not easy at all, but you can use a few specific strategies to fight for such a balance.

Emotional balance  is often synonymous with well-being and a happy, peaceful life. However, it has an equally strong relationship with our well-being, also physically. Find your way to yourself and the reality around you.

When we achieve emotional equilibrium, our life changes as if by magic. You finally feel alive; you experience each moment consciously and you are able to control your emotions and actions. Your self-esteem is so strong that you can defend it against almost any blow.

Modern society is based on noise and speed, so it is not easy to find peace and quiet. Among the constant complaints, claims and demands that surround us, it is hard to find your peaceful haven.

The demands and expectations of other people can hold us back and stop us from acting, or on the contrary – force us to do things we don’t really want to do. Regardless of whether we are influenced by parents, friends, children, employer, neighbor or anyone else …

You have to be able to say “enough” and not be pressured by them.

Emotional balance according to the samurai

We hope this headline caught your attention, as it is really worth delving into this topic for a moment. Usually, we are not talking about psychology in relation to Japanese warriors and their philosophy of life.

It turns out, however, that the Bushido philosophy is much more than a code of conduct or an incentive course. In this regard, a number of publications such as  Training the Samurai Mind: A Bushido Sourcebook  ( Mind Samurai: Bushido Basics)  by Thomas Cleary.

The woman and the sea

In this book, the author devotes a lot of attention to the methods used by samurai to calm down and regain inner harmony. It was thanks to this art of peace and control of emotions that they were able to defeat their opponents.

Bushido is a philosophy based on personal development strategies ; many personal trainers use these techniques in their training. Below you will find 5 strategies based on this model to help you regain your balance.

1. Distance yourself from your problems

You must never let your problems and fears take control of your life. Rise above them and you will gain a full view of the situation. By changing your perspective, you will regain control. When your problems are overwhelming you, it’s hard to get out of their weight.

Consider this with an example. Imagine you are losing your job; it is certainly a very difficult situation and it is easy to lose control of it. If you keep repeating over and over again that there is no hope for you anymore and it is impossible to get out of this situation, maybe it will.

Distance yourself from your problems and don’t let them rule your life. Take matters into your own hands and speak openly about your goals, which may make them real.

2. Accept the inevitable

In the case of samurai, they were always prepared for the worst – even death. They understood that sooner or later they would have to lay their lives on the altar of duty. This is a very deeply entrenched aspect of Bushido’s philosophy.

We do not have to go that far, of course, but it is worth drawing some conclusions from their philosophy for us. It is worth accepting the inevitable; it is worth accepting that life is not always going our way, sometimes you have to let go and let someone or something disappear from our lives.

Looking objectively at this darker side of life allows us to be more realistic about it. Common sense helps keep your head calm and move forward.

3. Make bold decisions

You should be the director of your life, not an actress playing some supporting role. Make your own decisions; when you don’t, you are damaging your self-esteem, emotional balance, dignity, and values.

Woman covering her eyes

Practice assertiveness – thanks to it you will become a general on the battlefield of your life, not a rank-and-file soldier unknowingly carrying out someone’s orders.

4. Your mind is your ally

The samurai’s greatest ally was his own mind. Emotional balance helps to overcome even the toughest opponent.

Stress, doubts whether fear are your enemies. They prevent us from focusing on the really important things, they distract us and destroy us from the inside. Try the method of silence that has been used for centuries by people around the world – meditation.

It is through these moments of silence and reflection that you will be able to defeat these sneaky enemies and prioritize. Use 1-2 hours each day to reflect in peace and quiet. This will be one of the most important steps you can take on the way to achieving harmony.

5. Set clear goals, values ​​and priorities

Every morning it is worth waking up to the thought of what your goal will be for the next day. Sometimes the simple thought “Today will be successful because I want it and deserve it” is enough. At other times, you can set yourself a different project or task.

Balance and the horizon

Just like samurai following the bushido philosophy, we too should act according to our own code of values. You need to know where you are going and by what means you want and can achieve it. Mental and emotional balance are very important in this regard. Good luck!

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