Exercises For Facial Skin Firming And Wrinkles

Here are some facial exercises that are as effective as cosmetics against facial wrinkles and cost nothing. All you have to do is do them every day, spending literally a few minutes and it’s ready!
Exercises to firm the skin of the face and wrinkles

Facial firming exercises are not as popular and we don’t do them as often as other body part exercises, which is a big mistake. It is very important to learn about facial exercises and do them daily. They will help delay the aging process, especially the appearance of wrinkles.

The face is undoubtedly the place that shows the signs of passing time the fastest. Therefore, this part of the body requires special treatment and care. The most important thing is a healthy diet that should include plenty of fruits, vegetables and adequate water. Likewise, we should maintain good and healthy lifestyle habits, do facial toning exercises , sleep well, avoid alcohol consumption and stressful situations.

There are many products and methods on the market to fight the signs of aging and eliminate wrinkles, which are undoubtedly very effective, but also very expensive. Therefore, later in this article, we’ll show you some facial exercises that are just as effective against facial wrinkles and cost nothing. All you have to do is do them every day, spending literally a few minutes and it’s ready! Nothing easier!

Exercises to firm the skin of the face

Reduce the visibility of wrinkles

Reduce wrinkles with facial firming exercises

Exercises for firming and strengthening the eyelids

To strengthen and firm the eyelids, we should move our gaze upwards, as high as possible, and then left and right. We should do four sets of twenty repetitions of each exercise, resting for two minutes between sets.

Firming the cheeks

A fairly simple exercise to tone your cheeks is to close your mouth tightly and draw air in to emphasize your cheeks. We can also move the tongue from left to right during this time. You should do three sets of fifteen or twenty repetitions.

Maintaining a healthy and beautiful lips

When doing facial exercises, let’s not forget about the lips. To do this exercise, you should open your mouth as wide as possible and then cover your teeth with your lips. Counting to ten, we hold this position and then very slowly close our mouth. We relax the muscles and start again, repeating the exercise five times.

Calming crow’s feet

crow’s feet

Crow's feet - exercises to firm the face

Exercises to firm the skin of the face – remember!

Facial massages bring the same results as facial exercises, because they act on the skin tissue, which allows to correct skin damage. These massages should be performed mainly in places where wrinkles are accumulated, we use them to stretch the skin.

Face massage can be performed for ten minutes, both in the morning and in the evening. If possible, we should use a few drops of sweet almond oil to moisturize the skin.

It will also contribute to the fact that the facial exercises we perform will be much more effective and will bring better results. The best time to exercise is in the morning when you wake up, or in the evening when you are going to bed.

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