Eyes Are A Reflection Of Health – What Can You Notice?

Your eyes are a window to your soul. Thanks to them, you can see how other people are feeling and learn a lot about their health.
Eyes are a reflection of health - what can you see?

Our eyes are a reflection of health. You ‘ve probably looked at your eyes many times in the mirror. Perhaps you remember what they looked like on those days when you generally felt bad or the times when they looked great.

Your eyes tell a lot about you, both emotionally and physically. Remember that the iris is connected to all nerves.

Perhaps your grandmother used to tell you, “Your eyes are very yellow, so there is something wrong with you.” However, we don’t always pay attention to what our bodies tell us, and we also often ignore nagging relatives.

Your eyes can certainly tell you that something is wrong. The eyes are a reflection of health and the body because they are made of arteries, veins and nerves.

Iridology is an alternative medicine technique that studies the patterns, colors, and other features of the iris. The goal is to find and interpret these characteristics and then identify possible related diseases.

According to Dr. Delia DeBuc, your eyes are connected to your brain through the retina because their cells are sensitive to light. They connect and form the optic nerve that goes to the brain.

What your eyes say about your health

1. Problems of the nervous system

Blurred picture? Ache? Edema? These symptoms could indicate that something is wrong with your nervous system.

In multiple sclerosis, the brain has trouble communicating with the eyes, which causes vision problems. Patients may also experience burning and itching, and changes in temperature around them.

eyes are a reflection of health

2. Examine the thyroid gland

Bulging eyes are not a good sign. This condition occurs when the thyroid gland attacks the muscles and tissues in your eyes.

It makes your eyes look bigger. When they swell, the following symptoms may appear: pain, vision problems, and an increase in the volume of the eyes.

3. High blood pressure

How can you tell if you have high blood pressure by looking at your eyes? The retina is made up of blood vessels that transport blood and oxygen to the eyes.

hypertension visible in the eyes

It is very important to see an ophthalmologist as high blood pressure is not easily identifiable until it is already at an advanced stage. However, a specialist doctor can find abnormalities in the retina.

4. Diabetic retinopathy

One of the leading causes of blindness is diabetic retinopathy. This happens when the blood vessels are damaged, the tissues become thinner, and the patient cannot stand light.

If left untreated, the condition can cause blindness. In most cases, both eyes are affected. The retina swells up and may release fluid.

5. Oxidative stress

Do you have bags under your eyes? Fatigue, lack of sleep, water retention and a build-up of toxins are some of the reasons why skin loses its elasticity. This creates bags, wrinkles and drooping lower eyelids.

stress visible in the eyes

If you also notice yellow spots on your eyelids, it may be that your blood cholesterol level is very high. The best thing you can do is reduce the amount of unhealthy foods, fats, and high-sugar foods you eat.


  • Have your eyesight checked at least once a year.
  • Don’t ignore signals such as burning, itching, pain, and blurred vision.
  • Watch your diet and eat organic products.
  • Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Do  “href =” https://krokdozdrowia.com/aktywnosc-fizyczna-hodzin-tygodniu/ “target =” _ blank “rel =” noopener noreferrer “> physical activity .
  • Eat small portions of meals at least 5 times a day to maintain adequate blood glucose levels and prevent weight gain.

In summary, p owinieneś take care of your body, because good or bad habits affect your health and your eyes will surely show up. Remember that you need to take care of yourself from the inside to show it on the outside.

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