Face And Body Scrub – The Best Recipes

Face and body scrub - the best recipes

Peeling is the best way to deeply cleanse the skin to remove impurities and dead cells that accumulate over time. It is advisable to exfoliate from time to time so that our skin regains its youthful appearance, tenderness and radiance. Usually, the accumulation of dead cells makes our skin appear dull and unhealthy. Exfoliation is a procedure that can be performed on all skin types, both on the face and the entire body. In addition to cleansing the skin, this treatment stimulates lymphatic drainage, improves the work of the circulatory system and helps to avoid aesthetic problems, such as the occurrence of cellulite. Do you want to know the best body and face scrubs? We’ll tell you about them in a moment.

Face peeling

Keeping the facial skin moisturized and clean helps us to keep a youthful appearance and free ourselves from wrinkles. These facial scrub recipes are perfect for providing proper facial care and removing impurities from facial skin that can negatively affect our appearance.

Banana peeling

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This recipe is perfect for people with oily skin, as it does not contain any oils.


  • one ripe banana
  • three tablespoons of brown sugar

A method of preparing

Crush the banana in a bowl, but not too hard. Add three tablespoons of brown sugar and mix thoroughly. Massage the prepared peeling into the skin of the face with gentle, circular movements, and then rinse with warm water.

Lemon peeling

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Lemon is known for its astringent, detoxifying and cleansing properties. This facial scrub leaves the skin soft, clean and without any imperfections.


  • a glass of sugar
  • half a cup of olive oil
  • the juice of half a lemon

A method of preparing

We mix the sugar with the olive oil and then add the lemon juice. We mix all the ingredients thoroughly with each other, and then apply the peeling to the skin of the face with a gentle circular massage. This treatment is very effective, but you should remember not to expose your face to the sun’s rays, as it may lead to stains on the skin.

Whole body peeling

When exfoliating the whole body, remember to massage in circular movements, always from the bottom up, in this way we will stimulate blood circulation. You do not need to put a lot of effort into performing the treatment, because the peeling itself will take care of the desired effects.

Oat peeling

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Oats have cleansing properties, and also helps to remove dead cells and makes the skin perfectly soft.


  • half a cup of oatmeal
  • half a cup of coarse sea salt
  • two tablespoons of olive oil

A method of preparing

We mix all the ingredients in a bowl until you get a paste. We apply it to the skin of the whole body with a glove or a towel, while performing a massage with circular movements. Leave it on for ten minutes, then rinse with cold water.

Almond oil and salt peeling

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This homemade exfoliating scrub will help you achieve delicate, beautiful and radiant skin. Thanks to its properties, our skin will be moisturized and will have a healthier appearance.


  • two glasses of fine sea salt
  • ¾ cup of olive oil
  • ¾ cup of almond oil
  • three drops of essential oil

A method of preparing

We mix all the ingredients in a glass dish and leave to store in a cool place. To exfoliate, apply the mixture all over your body with circular massage. Then leave it for fifteen minutes for all ingredients to work properly, then rinse with cold water.

Ground coffee peeling

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Coffee peeling is known for its anti-cellulite and rejuvenating properties. This peeling will help you get the skin you dreamed of, and thanks to its properties you will get rid of dead cells, deeply moisturize and cleanse your skin so that you can enjoy its healthy and beautiful appearance.


  • half a cup of sugar
  • one cup of ground coffee
  • three tablespoons of olive oil
  • two tablespoons of honey

A method of preparing

Mix all ingredients in a bowl until you get a homogeneous paste. Then we apply it to wet skin with circular movements, while performing a gentle massage. We focus mainly on areas where we have a problem with cellulite and areas potentially at risk of it. This treatment should be repeated at least twice a week.

Advice on how to achieve even better results

  • Exfoliation is a very good skin cleansing treatment, therefore, in order for the effects to be even better, it is recommended to always apply peelings in circular movements, while performing a gentle massage.
  • In order for the effects to be better, it is also worth using scrubs on wet skin, it helps to distribute the products accurately.
  • After exfoliation, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams that will absorb better and give our skin a radiant and healthy appearance.

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