Fatigue And Lack Of Energy? – 10 Ways To Get Tired

Did you know that cold stimulates the body and increases the level of adrenaline? If you feel tired and have no energy to live, reach for a glass of ice water. You will be back on your feet again in just a few seconds!
Fatigue and lack of energy?  - 10 ways to get tired

When we get tired, we try to provide energy using traditional methods: coffee and sweet snacks. However, we do not always have to harm the body with sweets and another coffee, because fatigue can be combated in several different ways.

In this article, you will learn a few tricks that will make it easier for you to perform tedious duties, as well as give you energy in a natural way and help you overcome fatigue.

1. A way to deal with fatigue: frequent breaks at work

If your job requires sitting at your desk all day, try to move around as often as possible. When you are on the phone – get up, every now and then stretch your legs, stretch, do a few bends, take a walk around the office, go to the toilet, etc.

Every little movement can be beneficial for your  posture and your brain. Take care of the correct dose of energy in the body. If you can, go out for a while and sprint for a few hundred meters. The blood will start to circulate faster and you will feel a surge of new energy.

In addition, every exit to fresh air and the feeling of warmth of the sun’s rays on your face can minimize fatigue during the day and improve your well-being.

2. Learn to trick your brain

If physical activity is not an option, let your brain rest, for example by solving crosswords or sudoku. You can also get on with new tasks to get the brain interested in the change and temporarily ease fatigue.

3. Always have a lemon handy

Numerous studies have confirmed the thesis that the smell of lemon helps to fight fatigue, stimulates the brain and adds energy. For this reason, it is worth having a lemon candy on hand, making tea with a lemon slice or just a bite of a piece of this fruit.

Try different forms of lemon brain stimulation and ultimately choose the one that suits you best.

4. The cooler it is, the less fatigue is

a glass of ice cold water for fatigue

If you feel tired and are unable to concentrate on work, replace the classic cup of strong coffee with a glass of ice water. Cold water sobers the mind, perfectly hydrates the body and gives it energy.

When you are tired, you can also moisten your face with cold water or perform a gentle massage of the nape of the neck with an ice cube. You will quickly regain energy and be ready for further work.

The cold stimulates the production of adrenaline – a hormone that makes us alert and properly focused on the activities we perform.

5. Mint candy for fatigue

Mint, like the smell of lemon, stimulates the work of the brain. The scent of mint helps to fight fatigue and regain proper concentration. Always have a few peppermint candy with you to reach for when you feel tired.

You can also add a few fresh mint leaves to a glass of cold water or use a mint scented hand soap. Mint chewing gum can also be irreplaceable.

6. Listen to energetic music

listening to music reduces fatigue

Energetic music has a stimulating effect on the entire body. When you feel tired, put headphones on your ears and play your favorite track. Loud singing and dancing movements are extremely stimulating.

If you can’t get up and dance a little, move your feet rhythmically under the desk. Don’t worry if your colleagues are surprised by this. They will surely try this method themselves when they see how positive mood is brought to you by such a short and rhythmic break.

7. Learn to “breathe fire”

Obviously, literally! We mean one of the breathing techniques used in yoga, the so-called breath of fire. The technique allows you to stimulate the body to act and stimulate the production of adrenaline desired at times of fatigue.

Oxygen delivered to the brain stimulates the work of gray cells and the mind, improving concentration and increasing work efficiency.

The fire breathing technique is very simple. You will surely find a short video to help you better understand what it is all about.

8. Learn to lie to your mind

This technique is based on a simple principle: lie to your own body by telling yourself that you have much more energy than your body is signaling to you.

All you have to do is tell yourself for a few minutes that you have so much energy and are focused on work that you will be able to cope with all the tasks you have to do.

After just a few minutes, your body will automatically “switch to full speed” and will surprise you with a completely new dose of energy, and yet you thought that you were so tired that today you will not be able to do anything else.

9. Meditate

meditation helps with fatigue

Meditation relieves severe stress and improves concentration. Regular meditation is becoming an increasingly popular tool to combat everyday fatigue, because it effectively restores positive life energy and willingness to act.

If you’ve tried to meditate in the afternoon exhaustion before, but haven’t managed to improve your mental condition, it may be because you haven’t found the best form of relaxation for your body so far.

10. Laugh!

Honest, deep laughter is widely regarded as one of the most effective therapies to stimulate the body. During the outbreak of laughter, a huge dose of endorphins is released, i.e. hormones responsible for a good mood and positive energy for life.

When you feel tired in the afternoon, look for a funny video or find a funny topic to talk to and have a good laugh with your colleagues for a while. Certainly, they will also need a new dose of fresh energy and rest before further work.

As you can see, there are many fantastic methods that will not only improve your mood, but also give you energy and help you concentrate. Who said that at work it is impossible to have a break and forget about serious responsibilities?

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